WSN discussions: by subject
Starting: Mon 02 Jan 1995 - 18:56:17 MDT
Ending: Sun 17 Dec 1995 - 07:46:48 MDT
Messages: 431
- "Political Evolution"--a note
- $ nose dive
- $/power
- (Fwd) Senate Bill to Regulate Internet (fwd)
- (Fwd) Support for J'e historians
- 1996 ISA Conference Program On-Line!
- 1996 ISA Convention (fwd)
- 5000 years
- 5037 Gingrich Eyes Internet as 'Cyber-Political' Forum for Americans Jan. 11 (fwd)
- [PEN-L:5968] Ernest Mandel has passed away (fwd)
- [Ted Goertzel <goertzel>: Visit to Cardoso's Brazil]
- A Birthday Celebration (fwd)
- A new book announcement
- A new list - LongWave-List(LW-L)
- A NEW WORLD ORDER? book now available
- A question
- A question about internal funding
- A World Systems Text for Social Problems?
- addition to anncmnt
- AHA/Econ Hist Assoc roundtable
- ahc 1996 Conference
- Andre Gunder Frank Festschrift Forthcoming (fwd)
- Announcing a New Journal
- Announcing SSJ-Forum (fwd)
- Anthropology/Sociology of Korea
- anti-nuke letter (read 1st)
- Anybody out there.
- AP story on net coverage of Mexico News (fwd)
- Arrighi's _Long Twentieth Century_
- Arrighi/Pews
- ASA Immigration Section (fwd)
- ASA meetings (fwd)
- ASA Session on the Internet
- ASA sessions
- basic papers for Russian almanac
- bibliorequest
- book announcement
- Book Publication
- Book Review - Civilization and Capitalism
- Book Series (fwd)
- Brunei dollar
- Call - Virtual Seminar in GPE: Global Cities and Social Movements: An Exploration of Theories and Ca
- Call for Papers
- Call for papers (fwd)
- Call for Papers, Beijing Conference
- call for papers: reminder re ISA'96
- Calling Ralph Clem
- census advisory (fwd)
- census data (fwd)
- CFS: Teaching Political Ecology
- Chair Development Studies (fwd)
- Chair in Sociology (FWD) (fwd)
- Chase Manhattan ignores *Chase Report* (from AP) (fwd)
- Chase Manhattan wants everyone to know (fwd)
- collapse
- collapse of communism
- collapse of dogmas
- collapse of dogmas:reply
- Colonial Latin America - Position
- conference anouncement (fwd)
- Conference in Hong Kong
- Conference phone number for ISA
- Congressional email addresses
- constructive typology
- constructive typology [part 2]
- constructive typology [part 3]
- Contact with Stephen Sanderson
- contacts, lectures in US
- correct jwsr web address
- correction
- correction of e-mail-adress
- Criticisms of Cardoso at ALAS meetings
- cuban conference
- Culture and Evolution
- Discussion of Arrighi's "Long 20th Century"
- discussion of Arrighi's _Long Twentieth Century_
- Diving dollars
- email
- email address
- Emergency Action Alert: NSF AXING US?
- encampment at Ward Valley (fwd)
- Encounter on "Strategies and experiencies for building peace".
- evolution of institutions - signed
- February ISA-IPE Section Newsletter
- free issue of new journal
- Fw:
- Fw: 2nd RIPE Annual lecture
- Fw: [LIMES] Sociology
- Fw: [PEN-L:5143] RRPE Special Issue on The Future of Capitalism (fwd)
- Fw: A comment on Mexico
- Fw: A New Book Announcement
- Fw: A NEW WORLD ORDER? book now available (fwd)
- Fw: announcement (fwd)
- Fw: ASA and PEWS membership
- Fw: ASA roundtables
- Fw: Bananas
- Fw: book (fwd)
- Fw: Call - Virtual Seminar in GPE: Global Cities and Social Movements:
- Fw: Call for papers/abstracts
- Fw: Cardoso, Frank, and achievement
- Fw: Conference in New Hampshire, October 1, 2, 3, 1995
- Fw: Conference on International Change
- Fw: Cuba:Conf:Sep. 95: INFO95
- Fw: Econ. Globalization Teach-In Web Site! (fwd)
- Fw: Economic Globalization Teach-in, No (fwd)
- Fw: Faculty Positions
- Fw: Final RETHINKING MARXISM Conference Schedule (fwd)
- Fw: French nuclear tests Chain letter (fwd)
- Fw: Fw: Information Request
- Fw: Fwd: June 17 Demo: End the U....
- Fw: GA on world empire/world-economy?
- Fw: H-AFRICA seeks African partners
- Fw: IDS fellowships advert
- Fw: Interested in Marxist Sociology?
- Fw: interesting Poem: Enjoy
- Fw: International Conference
- Fw: IPE Yearbook contributions
- Fw: IR/IPE Chair and Lectureships
- Fw: IREX Short Term Travel Grants (fwd)
- Fw: ISA President's Letter, no.3
- Fw: ISA-Letter from the President, 2
- Fw: ISA-Northeast Annual Meeting Program link
- Fw: ISA-West Annual Meeting Program link
- Fw: Job opening at the University of Leeds
- Fw: March 8, 1995
- Fw: Marcos the man (fwd)
- Fw: militias: tools of the devil?
- Fw: Monthly Reminder
- Fw: November 1995 Havana Conference (fwd)
- Fw: RE: Web citations query
- Fw: Report on meeting of Latin American sociologists
- Fw: Research Network for Comparative Research on Europe (RENCORE) (fwd)
- Fw: Roett & Chase Bank v. Zapatistas
- Fw: Society for Socialist Studies annual conference (message of 735 lines)
- Fw: Stellenausschreibung -- Deutsches Institut fuer Entwicklungspolitik
- Fw: Summary rozov92
- Fw: TRP has moved
- Fw: UC IGCC Pointer
- Fw: Undergraduate summer in England---
- Fw: US decline and the rise of the East Asian region
- Fw: US profit rate
- Fw: Virtual Seminar on the Global City and Social Movements
- Fw: Women's Conference List
- fyi (fwd)
- FYI - URL for European Sociologist
- FYI/E the reply I sent, tom hall
- GA - Long 20th C.
- GA on world empire/world-economy?
- GA's Long 20th c
- Getting Frank & Gills in paper
- Giovanni Arrighi's _Long 20th Century_
- global scholarly communication
- Gulbenkian Commission Report
- gunder frank on soviet demise
- gunder on asia-based world economy
- Headship opening
- Help with ethnicity
- HJSR Earthday Issue (fwd)
- hyphen
- Immanuel Wallerstein's review of Arrighi's _Long 20th Century_
- Immigration and the modern world-system
- interest soc. ev. side discussion
- Intern-Mexico-U.S.-Foreign Relations (fwd)
- international agreements
- Intl Soc. for Comp. Study of Civilizations meeting (fwd)
- introductory sociology textbook
- IPE section financial statement and revised Agenda
- ISA 1995 - Chicago - reminder re papers
- ISA Activities
- ISA Internet text (fwd)
- ISA Overflow Hotels
- ISA Panel Correction
- Job Announcement
- Justice and Post-Politics Conference
- jwsr home page
- jwsr is up
- Kondratieff Waves and Population
- Labor Unrest in the World-Economy
- language, meaning etc.
- Latin America Development electronic archive
- Latin American sociologists meeting--books (fwd)
- Latina/o section status (fwd)
- LEFT-L list (fwd)
- literature wanted !!!
- longwave web site
- Lund Conference
- MA in European Regional Development
- MA in International Cultural Change
- Marx's birthday (fwd)
- May 9! No Wars Any More!
- May Day (fwd)
- mcgowan's syllabus
- message about Gunder
- Mid-South Opp: Global Sociology
- Mobilize Now to Stop the Mexican Government! (fwd)
- More Dollar
- More on gene patenting
- National Standards (fwd)
- new article in _JWSR_
- new article in JWSR
- New at the DSA Web site (fwd)
- new book series
- new collection from Edward Elgar
- new info on wsystems archive
- new JWSR article by kees terlouw
- new party (fwd)
- New Video on Chiapas (fwd)
- new World Wide Web Home Page for JWSR
- note to Simon re IPE (fwd)
- November Conference in Havana (fwd)
- Opening closed doors
- Opportunity for Graduate Students (fwd)
- out here
- out there
- Overflow hotels for the 1995 ISA meeting (fwd)
- Owens's query on state
- paper on the gulf wars
- Patenting of biological material from indigenes
- Patenting of person (?)
- Patenting of person (?) -- another reply
- Patenting of person -- response
- PEWS and WSN
- PEWS award
- PEWS award, 1995
- PEWS Book Award
- PEWS conference in 1996
- PEWS Council meeting (fwd)
- PEWS Informal Roundtables at ASA'95
- PEWS Issues
- PEWS membership
- Pews process
- pews section membership
- PEWS Section Roundtables, ASA'95
- PEWS trends
- PEWS trends & units of analysis
- PEWS' Process/Future
- pewspanels96
- Philosophy of History World Wide Web page
- pko civilian personnel training course (fwd)
- Please forward to the WSN (fwd)
- please remove us from your mailing list
- Political Economy job opening (fwd)
- polyglots
- Position Announcement
- Position Announcement (fwd)
- positions of African countries
- proposed 1995-2000 charter for the IPE section: for comments
- Protest Roett memo!
- psa meetings
- publications of andre gunder frank
- Query: concept "State" (x-post)
- re Toffler
- Re1: constructive typology
- RE: PEWS membership
- registration form (fwd)
- request for help on WST (fwd)
- Request for PEWS panel ideas for 1996
- Request of Japanese Historians
- response to Al B, Rnd I
- response to rozov
- RETHINKING MARXISM announces International Conference
- Reust for UN Conference Info
- roundtables asa
- RSS/ASA Room-share?
- Scholarly Concepts: Translation or Interpretation
- Should this book be reprinted?
- Smithsonian Telnet access (fwd)
- Social evolution
- stages of pews
- Summer Institute on Global Economy +
- Sweatshop Research Request
- syllabus:women at the margins
- Techno Rebels (fwd)
- Temple UP
- test !
- textbook incorporating globalization
- Thanks for grad program info
- The Long 20th c.
- The Long Twentieth Century
- The political-islam mailing list (fwd)
- the soviet union, china and the world-system
- the unusual life of tristan smith/peter carey
- theory question
- TOES Alternative Summit Halifax (fwd)
- two WS related news
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (fwd)
- unsuscribe
- upcoming elections to the IPE section, ISA 1995 convention
- V.Bilenkin: predictions of collapse
- vacancy
- Virtual Seminar on Global Political Economy: Global Cities & Social Movements Open For Registration
- w-empires & semipheriphery
- w-s & commodification of genetic material
- w-s readings
- wallerstein's ALAS paper
- Wallerstein's review of Arrighi
- We have always spoken in prose...
- We have always spoken in prose...)
- Web Qquestionnaires
- Web Questionairs
- What I sent to Fred & Dale re PEWS, tdh
- who is still evolving?
- women at the margins
- World History Journal and Assoc.
- World-system grad studies
- world-system web pages
- World-Systems Grad Programs?
- World-Systems Theory as Evolutionary Theory
- WP about institutions
- WSN as a PEWS forum
- WSN digest 92
- WST in the American Southwest/NW Mexico
- your mail
Last message date: Sun 17 Dec 1995 - 07:46:48 MDT
Archived on: Tue Apr 22 1997 - 11:35:43 MDT
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.