Immigration and the modern world-system

Wed, 22 Mar 1995 13:26:12 +1200

Hi, I am Jacquie Lidgard, a doctoral student working at the University of
Waikato in New Zealand. My current research is exploring the utility of the
world-system framework to contextualise the international migration systems
in New Zealand.

In the past I have worked extensively on return migration. I'm currently
searching for literature specifically on international migration in a
world-system framework. I'm familiar with the work of Chase-Dunn and Hall,
Kritz, Lim, Zlotnik, Shannon, Taylor P., and the IUSSP work.

I am also very interested to hear from, or of, anyone working in the field
of international migration since the 1970s.

Jacquie Lidgard
University of Waikato