26 Jul 95 15:16:26 EDT

A final request to PEWSERS to please sent[Dd to me or to Dale Wimberley
ideas for panels for next year's annumal[D[D[Dal ASA meetings..this
wo[Dill greatly facilitate the porc[D[D[Drocess of panel development
and give your new Chair time to contact people and do a thoughtful job
with this important task. Also, if you know of anyone (esp. students)
who would lo[Dike a free room for the night of Aug 19..we will have
a party suite available..the only hitch will be that late leavers will
probal[Dbly make it difficult to get to sleep before 1"[D:00AM or so!
If we have takers, please contact me or Dale. See you [D[D[D[D[D[D[D
[Dthe 19th! (I'll be out the country Aug 7-17, so communications during
that perop[D[D[D[D[Dperiod should go to Dale. [D[D) Fred Deyuo[D[D
Fred Deyo, Chair, PEWS.