Subject: New Video on Chiapas (fwd)
If you are interested, please contact Leopoldo Rodriguez,
"Quihubo Videos" currently has 3 independently produced videos available for
English speaking audiences and is working on subtitling and narrating others
for distribution in the US and Europe.
"Quihubo Videos" (previously Imagenes de Mexico) is a non-profit video
distribution network created for the dissemination of work by independent
producers in Mexico. "Quihubo Videos" hopes to contribute to the
democratization of communications and help counteract the misinformation
deliberately promoted by the media conglomerates in Mexico and the
In conjunction with a network of Mexican independent videographers, "Quihubo
Videos" will continue to provide documentary videos about the struggles of
indigenous people, women, workers, and students in Mexico. Our goal is to
produce a regular half-hour video news program for distribution in Mexico and
Videos currently available:
CORRIDOS SIN ROSTRO (Ballads Without a Face): In this video produced by
Othelo Khanh, Subcomandante Marcos narrates the "Legend of the Men of Corn,"
the "Band of the EZLN" sing corridos to rebel heroes, and indigenous peasants
tell of their way of life and their struggles for "Democracy, Liberty and
Justice." Mostly filmed in Zapatista territory between June and August of
1994. English subtitles. 53 minutes. VHS only (no TV airing allowed).
$30.00 plus postage.
TODOS SOMOS MARCOS: This video compiles images from four major protests in
Mexico City following the military invasion of the Selva Lacandona in February
1995 (it is not the Canal 6 de Julio production by the same name). English
narration and subtitles. 20 minutes. VHS or 3/4 inch for TV.
PRADO PACAYAL: Recorded in the Zapatista territory of Chiapas on March 2,
1995, shows the destruction wrought by the military on this community. The
video presents moving testimony by the inhabitants of Prado Pacayal as they
return to find their village ransacked by the Mexican army. English subtitles.
26 minutes. VHS or 3/4 inch for TV.
TODOS SOMOS MARCOS (TSM) and PRADO PACAYAL (PP) come in one tape only.
To order, mail this form to: In Mexico City contact:
Quihubo Videos c/o Leopoldo Rodriguez Elliott Young
4814 Ave G
Austin, Texas 78751
(512) 458-4492
or e-mail to
Order Form
Corridos Sin Rostro, VHS only ($30.00 ea.) $_________
TSM and PP in one VHS tape ($15.00 ea.) $_________
TSM and PP in one 3/4 inch tape ($30.00) $_________
Regular ($3.00 each tape)
Overnight ($15.00 ea.) $_________
Total $_________
INSTITUTIONAL RATE (libraries and universities):
Corridos Sin Rostro $200.00 plus postage
TSM and PP $50.00 plus postage
All proceeds from the sale of these videos will be used to cover mailing and
duplicating costs, as well as to help Mexican videographers continue their work.
City, State:______________________
ZIP Code:__________
e-mail address:________________________