Fw: Summary rozov92

Tue, 7 Feb 1995 11:33:16 -0500
Chris Chase-Dunn (chriscd@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu)

From: "Nikolai S. Rozov" <rozov@adm.nsu.nsk.su>
Tue, 7 Feb 1995 04:59:38 -0500
Subject: Summary rozov92


English Summary of the book in Russian:

Nikolai S. Rozov. Struktura Tsivilizatsii i Tendentsii Mirovogo Razvitiya
(The Structure of Civilization and World Development Trends),
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk St.Univ., 1992, 215p. English Summary.

The book is in the library of Boston University.

This book deals with the elaboration of the conceptual
system of culture and civilization and with the study of the
trends and megatrends of contemporary world development with
the help of this conceptual system (apparatus).
The idea of the conceptual apparatus is the complex
utilization of the most productive cultural, social,
psychological, historical approaches and theories (M.Weber,
P.Sorokin, B.Malinowski, A.Toinby, A.Radcliff-Brown,
A.Kroeber, T.Parsons, K.Boulding, S.Nikanorov, A.Giddens,
I.Wallerstein), placed in a strict and common logical and
conceptual structure. The philosophy and methodology of this
work are described in Chapter I.
The conceptual apparatus consists of several uni-aspect
conceptions: "Social functions," "Social structures,"
"Consciousness and behavior," "Cultural patterns,"
"Diachronical processes," "Mechanisms of development." Each
conception has a strict logical structure: it consists of the
basic concepts, basic relations, derivative concepts and
axioms. There are mechanisms for the logical synthesis of
different conceptions by means of concepts' identification and
elaboration of synthetic concepts (Chapter II).
The construction of such complicated synthetical concepts
as "society," "normally functioning society," "developing
society," culture" and "civilization" is described. This
conceptual system preserves the rich content of classical
theories and in the meantime it is open for logical control
and for elaboration of the computer system models.
The conceptual apparatus is applied to a new system
explanation of the well-known phases of the civilization life
circle (genesis of civilization, growth, blossoming forth,
break-down, decay). The variety of the development
alternatives is demonstrated (Chapter III).
In the contemporary world situation four spheres of
processes are considered:
- techno-natural processes providing material products;
- social processes providing social structures,
institutions, etc.;
- anthropic processes providing human qualities (by
family, education systems, mass media, etc.);
- cultural processes providing cultural patterns for all
four spheres of processes.
In each sphere 3-5 development trends are revealed. Many
trends from different spheres are interconnected by the
mechanism of positive feed-back. The most interesting are the
long-term complexes of such trends that support and strengthen
each other. Such complexes are named here m e g a t r e n d s.
Megatrends are epoch-making historical vehicles.
Because of the "limit of growth" and the end of "cold
war" our historical epoch is coming to its end. The image of
the new epoch is determined by the results of conflict between
three main contemporary Megatrends:
Megatrend I "The inertia of techno-economical growth and
assimilation" includes world economical integration with the
privileged positions of Western countries and companies,
global Westernization, export of ecological loading, spread of
economical liberalism, utilitarism and rationalism (which is
based on the ideas of progress, growth, profit and
consummation), and the decay of non-Western cultures;
Megatrend II "The restraint of growth and pan-isolation"
includes the growth of cultural, political, economical
barriers between states, blocks of states, the strengthening
and spread of nationalism, religious fundamentalism,
restrictive ideologies;
Megatrend III "The change of direction of
techno-economical development and multipolar partnership"
includes worldwide economical and political integration with
many poles of influence, elaboration of the stable
socio-techno-natural symbioses, development of crosscultural
dialogue and preservation of cultural diversity, spread of the
ideas of communication, compromises, care of future
generations and global problems, rationalism (which is based
on the ideas of human rights), development of the value
consciousness as a field for communication of all cultures,
ideologies, moral and religious traditions.
The perspectives and tasks for international cooperation
are elaborated in the context of these three Megatrends
(Chapter IY).

P.S. I will be very grateful for any ideas concerning
publishing this book in English or other languages.

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Moderator of the list PHILOFHI (PHILosophy OF HIstory)
Nikolai S. Rozov,
Ph.D., Dr.Sc.(Social Philosophy)
Dept.Philosophy, Novosibirsk State University
ADDRESS: 630090, Novosibirsk, Pirogova 2, Russia
FAX: 7/3832/35 52 37
E-MAIL: rozov@adm.nsu.nsk.su