Thank you Chris for clarifying the relationship between PEWS and WSN. I
wasn't proposing that PEWS sponsor WSN, actually I was propsosing the
opposite - that WSN sponsor PEWS.
Anyway, I still think that creating an e-list for PEWS and PEWS business
would be a good way to `democratize' the section (and simply a good idea).
I have already mentioned some of the advantages and there is no need for me
to elaborate to anyone using e-mail. It might also be a good way to get non
e-mail users onto e-mail.
Any thoughts on how this could be done? Where to set up the list isn't a
problem - I could do it on our listserver.
BTW, I am still wondering if Arrighi's THE LONG 20TH C. is "world-system"?
Carl Dassbach
Carl H.A. Dassbach E-mail: DASSBACH@MTU.EDU
Dept. of Social Sciences Phone: (906)487-2115
Michigan Technological Univ. Fax: (906)487-2468
Houghton, MI 49931 U.S.A.