Encounter on "Strategies and experiencies for building peace".

Mon, 13 Feb 1995 11:52:55 -0500
David Gleiser (dgleiser@riscadmin.uniandes.edu.co)

This message is being posted on behalf of Suzy Bermudez at ANPAZ-Universidad
de los
Andes, Bogota, Colombia.
Please do not respond by using the Reply function. E-mail responses should
be addressed
to sbermude@uniandes.edu.co


The Peace Studies Program at La Universidad de los Andes - ANPAZ- (Santafe
de Bogota),
together with the Universities, of El Valle (Cali), Antioquia (Medellin) and
Nacional de
Colombia (Santafe de Bogota), are organizing an Interuniversitary Encounter
on "Strategies
and experiencies for building peace".

The objects of the Encounter are:

1. To present new alternatives for building peace.
2. To propose recommendations aimed at Colombian agencies in this field.
3. To promote Peace Studies programs at Colombian universities.

The meeting will take place between in May, 1995 (from the 24th until the
Universidad de los Andes in Bogota. On the first two days and a half of the
third, we will
hold symposia and on the 27th and 28th we will have a seminar on Peace
Education. In this
last one, we expect to take into account, the recommendations that probably
will come from
the symposia and the papers that will be presented.

The last date for proposing symposia is February 28th. The proposals must
outline the
objectives the objectives of the symposium and must include a list of the
participants. Individual papers can also be proposed and will be asigned to
the relevant
symposia. A proposition for a paper must include the title of the paper; an
abbreviated CV
of the author and information about where they can be contacted.

Participants will be offered a 10% discount for an early registration
(before April 15th).
Registration fees are: U.S.$150 for Professors and US$50 for students.

If you are interested in exhibiting and selling books on peace, there will
be a stand for this

Any further inquiries should be addressed to

Suzy Bermudez
e-mail: sbermude@uniandes.edu.co.
mail: Calle 18 A# o-33E.
fax: 2841890, 2841570, 2815771