From: "Alan Spector" <spector@calumet.purdue.edu>
Sat, 11 Mar 1995 16:20:38 -0500
To: Multiple recipients of list <psn@csf.colorado.edu>
Subject: ASA roundtables
Last time.....
This is the way the Section on Marxist Sociology Refereed Roundtables have
been organized for the ASA in August. It has been sent in to ASA.
I'd like to thank the members for contributing. Some of the roundtables
have obvious common themes with other ones. I made the decision, as I
mentioned before, to err on the side of organizing them separately in
deference to the particular roundtable leaders. It is relatively easy, on
the spot, to decide to combine two or more. It is more difficult to try to
break one up if it is too large, and, especially, if it has too many formal
presentations. If organizers think about this in advance, I suspect that
it will go smoothly.
My only regret is that there are too many interesting subjects.
It definitely shows that sociology in the Marxist tradition is
an exciting, vibrant arena of research, discussion, and struggle. The
roundtables are the start of discussions, rather than the end, and they
provide an opportunity to develop ties that can grow as members maintain
communication throughout the year.
March 11 Version (last one, I hope)
The following people/topics are currently planned for the Section on
Marxist Sociology as roundtables at the 1995 ASA Meetings.
I have listed it according to the style outlined in the Organizer's Manual
Session Sponsor: Section on Marxist Sociology
Session Category: Refereed Roundtables
Session Title: n/a
Topics: Marxism, Political Sociology, Racial and Ethnic Minorities,
Political Economy of World Systems, Occupations, Culture, Theory
1) The Survival Economy: Informal Work Responses to the Capitalist Crisis.
Monica Kuumba, Buffalo State College
2) Progressive Population Studies.
Martha Gimenez, University of Colorado, Boulder
3) Racism and the Right.
Amy Ansell, Bard College
4) Trends in the Labor Movement.
Presider: Art Jipson, Miami University of Ohio
Future Directions of the Labor Movement,
Art Jipson, Miami University of Ohio
The Geography of U.S. Union Dis-Organization: A
State-Level Analysis, 1975-1982, Tim Nickel, Florida State University
5) Through Their Own Eyes: Workers' Explanations for Their Own
Unemployment. Anne O'Neill, University of Chicago
6) Fordism and Beyond.
Presider/Discussant: Carl Dassbach, Michigan Technological University
The Three Faces of Fordism: 1913-1970. Carl Dassbach, Michigan
Technological University
7) Points of Convergence and Divergence between Human Capital Theories
and 'New Class' Theories. Larry Miller, University of
Massachusetts, Dartmouth and Chuck Ogg, Aberdeen, South Dakota
8) Elena Ermolaeve, Johns Hopkins University:
Culture Globally: Symbolic Networks in World Systems
Presider/Discussant: Elena Ermolaeve, Johns Hopkins University
Discourse Construction of Global Economy.
Teivo Teivainen, University of Helsinki
Symbolic Networks and Anti-Systemic Movements.
William J. Haller, University of Pittsburgh
Symbolic Networks in World Systems: Conceptual Issues.
Elena Ermolaeve, Johns Hopkins University
9) The Politics of Development.
Presider/Discussant: Sara Schoonmaker, University of the Redlands:
The Politics of Free Trade: The Case of Brazil.
Sara Schoonmaker, University of the Redlands
The Politics of Self-Reliance: The Case of the Eritrean
Nationalist Movement. Tekle Woldemikael, University of the Redlands
"Contradicciones y Alternativas: Desarrollo Social Cubano en Periodo
Especial" (Alternatives and their Contradictions: Cuban Social
Development in the Special Period). Dr. Elena Diaz, Directora
Facultad Latinoamericana de ciencias Sociales - Programa Cuba
Universidad de la Habana, La Habana, Cuba
10) Class Structure and Class Struggle in the post Cold War Era.
Presider/Discussant: Berch Berberoglu, University of Nevada, Reno
The Continuing Relevance of Class Analysis in Contemporary
Society. Berch Berberoglu, University of Nevada, Reno
11) It's Rare to Find a Medium Well-Done---the Exclusion of the Left in
the Popular Press. Ken Muir, West Virginia University
12) Political Correctness and the University
Rhonda Levine, Colgate University
13) The Ordinary Fascism in Modern Academia.
Tugrul Itler, University of Oregon
14) Dissing the Discourse: The 'Unpopular' Language Discourse in Academia.
Shelley Kowalski, Lee Jones, and Celia Winkler, University of Oregon
15) African Politics and Economics.
Presider: Moustapha Diouf, University of Vermont
The Political Economy of Development in Africa. Moustapha
Diouf, University of Vermont
The South African Transition to Democracy. Kathleen
Schwartzmann, University of Arizona and
Kristie A. Taylor, University of Arizona
16) Topics in Racial-Ethnic Violence.
Presider: Tom Hall, DePauw University
Teaching about Ethnic Violence from a World Historical Perspective.
Tom Hall, DePauw University
The Best Defense: Law Enforcement and African American Men
in the Inner City. Rebecca Hensley, Florida State University
'Somos los Autenticos Coletos' of Chiapas (We are the Authentic
Coletos of Chiapas): Race and Class in the Current Conflict
in Chiapas. Deborah Billings and Sarah Hernandez,
University of Michigan
17) Nicaragua's Counter-Revolution in Health. Frank T. Fitzgerald,
College of St. Rose, and Pamela M. Robert, Center for Women
in Government, SUNY, Albany
18) Global Tourism Research: A Political Economy Synthesis.
Mike-Frank G. Epitropoulos, University of Pittsburgh
Please contact me if there are any questions.
Alan Spector, Ph.D. Phone: 219-989-2387
Behavioral Sciences Department FAX : 219-989-2008
Purdue University Calumet E-Mail: SPECTOAJ@VAXB.CALUMET.PURDUE.EDU
Hammond, IN 46323 USA
Prof. Chris Chase-Dunn
Department of Sociology
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD. 21218 USA
tel 410 516 7633 fax 410 516 7590 email chriscd@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu