collapse of communism

Fri, 29 Sep 1995 08:18:16 -0400

29 Sep 95 16:56:54 NSK-7
From: "Nikolai Sergeevich Rozov" <>
Organization: Center of New Informational Tech.
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 16:56:25 -0700 (NSK)
Subject: collapse of communism
X-Confirm-Reading-To: "Nikolai Sergeevich Rozov" <>
X-pmrqc: 1

I am Russian but the collapse of Russian communism
is beyond my professional competence.
I am forwarding the following request to wsn because the
question seems to be one of the best challenges for the
explanative and predictive abilities of w-s- approach.
I hope somebody will help Dr.Kim and it will be
interesting for us all.
Nikolai. S. Rozov

Hi, Professor Rozov.
Sorry for this intrusion.
I have a "burning" question that I thought
perhaps you can guide me to the right direction.
I noticed in previous postings that you are
a keen observer of the Russian (Soviet) politics
and I thought that you might offer some insights into this question.
Why did the Soviet Communism collapse? How shall we
explain the sudden collapse of the Soviet Communism?
Why did it happen in the Soviet Union, not in China?
Why did it happen in 1989, not earlier?
I have read several papers and propaganda materials
but I have not seen any good explanations as yet.
If you want, you can perhaps bring this question
(copying my query when you respond to this posting)
to the netwide discussion of WSN.
If you do not want to do it that way, I would
appreciate if you can just share your thoughts with me.
I would appreciate if you can pass on to me
some good works with which you concurr on this issue.

Quee-Young Kim
Department of Sociology
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071
Nikolai S. Rozov
Professor of Philosophy
PhD., Dr.Sc.

Moderator of the mailing list PHILOFHI
(PHILosophy OF HIstory and theoretical history)

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