Fw: November 1995 Havana Conference (fwd)

Fri, 31 Mar 1995 07:59:28 -0500
chris chase-dunn (chriscd@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu)

> November 7-9, 1995
> Universidad de La Habana
> The Center for the Study of the United States (CESEU) of the
> University of Havana, together with Wayne Smith, Director of Latin
> American Studies Program, Johns Hopkins/Cuba Exchange and Michael
> Erisman, Chair, Dept. of Political Science, Indiana State
> University convene the International Scientific Workshop CUBA AND
> THE CHALLENGES OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER, to be held at the University
> of Havana from 7 through 9 November, 1995.
> Over the last three decades Cuban foreign policy has succeeded
> in establishing diplomatic, economic, cultural and political links
> with almost all the countries of the world. These links have been
> and remain a main factor in the development and stability of the
> Cuban national project.
> The knowledge of the actual trends in the important changes
> that are taking place in the current system of international
> relations, that is, the transit from the contemporary world to a
> new world order, plays a decisive scientific and practical role for
> Cuba, as well as for other international actors.
> That is why the Scientific Workshop is aimed at becoming a
> forum for the debate of the peculiarities, scope, and limits
> available to the various international actors, particularly Cuba,
> in the new world order that is still undergoing a process of
> development and organization.
> the Cold War; new concepts about security; economic confrontation
> versus strategic-military confrontation; conflicts and their impact
> on the emergence of new areas of influence.
> THE ECONOMIC CHALLENGES: globalization versus
> regionalization; North-South conflict; regional trading
> arrangements.
> THE POLITICAL CHALLENGES: unipolarism, multipolarism or
> policentrism?; multilateral organizations; contemporary society and
> cultural patterns.
> America, the United States, Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle
> East--potentialities and limits.
> Before holding the event, CESEU will organize a postgraduate
> course entitled: "Challenges For The United States As It Confronts
> The Year 2000".
> This course includes five two-hour lectures in the mornings
> and debates in the afternoons.
> The lectures will be given by specialists from CESEU and other
> institutions from the University of Havana as well as from other
> Cuban institutions.
> Subject Contents
> 1. The Global Challenges for the United States Foreign Policy in
> the so-called Post-Cold War.
> 2. Regional conflicts and the U.S. Foreign Policy in the so-
> called Post-Cold War.
> 3. The bilateral conflict Cuba-United States in the New World
> Order.
> If you are interested in participating in the workshop you
> should:
> 1) Send us the title of your paper and let us know your
> willingness to attend the workshop before September 30th,
> 1995.
> 2) Send us before October 9th, 1995 all your personal data and a
> photocopy of your passport's first page for visa arrangements.
> U.S. CITIZENS--current law and policy requires that you obtain
> a license from the Treasury Department order to travel to
> Cuba. Information and application forms can be obtained by
> contacting: Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign
> Assets Control, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC
> 20220. You should familiarize yourself with the regulations
> governing travel to Cuba (e.g., must be purely for research
> and related academic activities) before making application.
> Allow 4-6 weeks for processing of your application.
> 3) Bring along with you ten copies of your presentation as well
> as a WP5.1 diskette copy for a better organization of the
> event.
> 4) A U.S. $80.00 registration fee in cash is payable upon arrival
> in Cuba.
> 5) You are entitled to a University tourist package that includes
> for U.S. $40.00/day, lodging, breakfast and dinner, in and
> out airport transfer and transportation from/to the event.
> 6) All expenses inside Cuba must be paid in cash.
> Esteban Morales Ph.D.
> Organizing Committee President
> Lic. Carlos A. Batista Odio
> Organizing Committee Vice-president
> Graciela Chailloux Laffita Ph.D.
> in charge of the Scientific Program
> Center for the Study of the United States
> University of Havana
> International Scientific Workshop
> Cuba and the Challenges of the New World Order
> Calle 33 No. 1421
> e/ 14 y 18
> Miramar, Playa
> Ciudad de La Habana
> PO BOX 23054 ZIP CODE 11600
> Fax: (Country Code 53) (City Code 7)
> 33-1908 31-4163 78-3231
> Telex: 911277
> Tels. (Country Code 53) (City Code 7)
> 23-8541 23-5807
> E-Mail: ceseu@tinored.cu
> For more information or assistance, you can contact:
> Dr. H. Michael Erisman
> Chair, Political Science Department
> Indiana State University
> Terre Haute, IN 47809
> Tel: 812/237-2429
> Fax: 812/237-3445
> E-Mail: psmeris@scifac.indstate.edu
Prof. Chris Chase-Dunn
Department of Sociology
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD. 21218 USA
tel 410 516 7633 fax 410 516 7590 email chriscd@jhu.edu