Fw: Virtual Seminar on the Global City and Social Movements

Wed, 06 Sep 1995 12:36:45 -0400
chris chase-dunn (chriscd@jhu.edu)

From: Lev Gonick <gonick@csf.colorado.edu>
Subject: Virtual Seminar on the Global City and Social Movements

Please feel free to x-post

The Virtual Seminar on Global Political Economy is a 13 week seminar
conducted online with 24 full time faculty and virtual tutors. The course
is open to grad students and upper division students. Everyone enrolled
in the seminar must take the course for academic credit (or academic
audit). This term we are dealing with the topic of Global Cities and
Social Movements. Our term begins this week (Sept 5-10). As of September
5th there are 62 students enrolled in the seminar.

Please visit our WWW site at http://csf.colorado.edu/gpe

Full registration details are available online.

For additional information (that you can not find online), please contact

Lev Gonick
Faculty Coordinator
Prof. Chris Chase-Dunn
Department of Sociology
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD. 21218 USA
tel 410 516 7633 fax 410 516 7590 email chriscd@jhu.edu