At the annual meeting of the IPE section of the International Studies
Association, to be held on Wednesday, February 22, from 12:20-1:20 p.m.
in Conference Room 4C, Chicago Hilton, we will have to fill several
positions on the executive. I have received one formal nomination so far
so these positions. If you would like to nominate some one, please
check with them first to see that they are willing, and then give me the
name with a short [2-3 lines] bio of the individual [rank, location,
research interests] BEFORE the meeting. Self nominations are also
welcome! Nominations can be made from the floor of the meeting also, but
nominations in advance are preferable. You may either email nominations
to the IPE Executive [I leave for Chicago on Monday so nominations should
probably go to Vicki Golich, Vice President -- vicki_golich@csusm.edu --
or to Roe Goddard, Secretary/Newsletter editor -- goddardr@mhs.t-bird.edu
if they are emailed later than MOnday morning, Ottawa, Canada time] or
leave written messages for me at the Chicago Hilton front desk.
The positions which need filling are the following:
1. Vice President [one year term]. One nomination received: Simon Reich,
Associate Professor, Graduate School of International and PUblic Affairs,
University of Pittsburgh.
Vicki Golich is stepping down because she is one of the three Vice
President Elects for 1995-96 for ISA as a whole.
I am recommending that the Vice President be the Program
Chair for the IPE panels for the 1996 ISA convention in San Diego. The Vice
President normally becomes the President of the IPE section the
following year.
2. Two members must be elected to the Governing Council to replace Kurt
Burch and Dimitris Stevis who are retiring. No nominations have been
received for these positions.
3. The Senior/Junior Scholar committee is recommending that its functions
be discussed at the meeting. The question as to whether the Junior
Scholar program should be eliminated and replaced by a Graduate Student
Paper Competition needs to be discussed. If there were a GSPC, this
committee could be given the task of running this competition. Clearly the
workload would be higher. The Senior Scholar competition in this case
should probably be separated so that the responsibility is given to
another group, possibly headed up by the President or the Past President.
These matters will be discussed on Wednesday, prior to the Elections Vote.
Nominations to the Senior/Junior Scholar committee: None have been
received to date. Individuals should keep in mind that the functions of
this committee may be changing.
Since the IPE section must be re-chartered this year, and since there are
proposals for revamping the constitution [see the IPE Newsletter, to
follow], I will change the order of the Agenda for the meeting [see the
Newsletter] to move #4 Proposed Constitutional Changes up before #2
Election of OFficers.
In terms of constitutional changes I will be recommending that:
1. The IPE President be a one year term [starting next year; I would
finish out my term]
2. The Vice President be a one year term [starting this year since Vicki
Golich is stepping down].
3. The Vice President also be the Program Chair for the next ISA Convention
4. The vice President normally becomes the President the following year.
The sequence would be as follows:
Vice President and Program Chair [year 1]
President [year 2]
Past President [year 3]
so that an individual would serve three years on the IPE executive, each
year engaged in a different task.
Note that any individual who wants an item added to the Agenda under
"Other Business" should contact me ASAP. The agenda is very
full for this particular meeting and we only have one hour...
I look forward to seeing you in Chicago.
Lorraine Eden
IPE President and Section Chair
Lorraine Eden
Professor of International Affairs
The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6 CANADA
Phone 613-788-2600x6661 [office] 613-788-6655 [department]
Fax 613-788-2889
Email leden@superior.ccs.carleton.ca