Prof. Frank asks me to forward this message to philofhi but
I think that it is informative also for wsn.
Nikolai Rozov
From: "A. Gunder Frank" <>
To: Rozov <>
Please forward this mesage to the net, since my attempt got bounced back
to me.
gunder frank
1. I did not receive or at least not see Dr. Kim's message = request?
2. I have nothing to say about Alex's model. Too abstract for my limited
comprehension, which tries to concentrate on the real world.
3. In this attempt, I HAVE written several things about the "collapse of
communism" [NOT MY terminology, since I - and most others! - never
thoiught that there is/was any "communism" to collapse!],
- in 1990 ... on the REvolution of 1989 [ published many times, including
in Problems of Peace and Socialism, whre it appeed under the title "The
events of 1989" at least in russian!
- in 1991/2 ... on Econmic and Political Ironies ofEast-West [especially
European] relations, also publised two ormore different articles
published several times, among them in the UNESCO Social Science Journal No.
131 [in english] and 132 in other languages
-in 1993/4 .... on "What Went Wrong in Soviet and East European "Socialism"?
A World Economic Interpretation [also subtitles an International
Political Economic Interpretation] becaue the latter publshed in Nr. 2
substantally the same form as "The Thirdworldization of the Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe"
5. With soe EFFORT and TIME, I could make a list of WHERE these articles were
published - if there IS sufficient INTEREST on this net - so that netters
could find one or more here or there.
6. I may also have some abstracts somewhere on disc, which I cold post to
the net [also if there is sufficient interest only since i would have to
search soft disc, since I have moved from Europ to Canada and abandoned my
old Europen hard disk over there]
7. ALL of these articles, and especially the last one, are world SYSTEM
inteerpretations of what went on- and is still going on. and therevofe also
whistorical ones!
8. My Friends Andrea Komlosy and Hannes Hofbauer [or names in reverse?]
published a similar interpretatin in the journal CONTENTION about number
5or 6.
9. Te shortest summary of my argument [explanation?] is that these economies
were dependent/underdeveloped parts of the world economy/system for a
long time, and still are, and that "{socialism" was a catch-up attmept which
mostly failed, and especially was not enough to permit them to
compete in the presentKondratieff B phase/world economic crisis since l967,
so that they were made to bear the burdens of it like Lat Am and Africa
and parts of Asia - and of course many sectros in the Western economies
also - and therefore were pusehd into economic depression, which brought
on political collapse. of course the econ deepression continuues and got
even worse after the political change, since the latter was done at the
worst possible time [but the only possible time] during this 5th world econ
recession , which is the deepest since the world econ crisis began in 1967.
10 regards
gunder frank
Nikolai S. Rozov
Professor of Philosophy
PhD., Dr.Sc.
Moderator of the mailing list PHILOFHI
(PHILosophy OF HIstory and theoretical history)
Dept. of Philosophy Tel.: (3832) 397488
Novosibirsk State University Fax.: (3832) 355237
630090, Novosibirsk E-mail:
Pirogova 2