From: Bruce McFarling <brmcf@utkux.utcc.utk.edu>
To: chris chase-dunn <chriscd@jhu.edu>
Subject: Re: Fw: RE: Web citations query
There is an ambiguity in these references that reliance on the URL can
> Author's Last Name, First Name. [author's internet address, if
> available]. "Title of Work" or "title line of message." In
> "Title of Complete Work" or title of list/site as appropriate.
> [internet address]. Date, if available.
Without referring to the original document, or knowledge of the
original site address, are these two ftp addresses and one gopher
address, or two gopher addresses and one ftp address?
> Heinrich, Gregor. [100303.100@compuserve.com]. "Where There Is
> Beauty, There is Hope: Sau Tome e Principe." [ftp.cs.ubc.ca/
> pub/local/FAQ/african/gen/saoep.txt]. July 1994.
> "Democratic Party Platform, 1860." [wiretap.spies.com Wiretap Online
> Library/civic & Historical/Political Platforms of the U.S.]
> 18 June 1860.
Use of the URL of the base site eliminates the possibility for confusion:
Galbraith, Jamie. "The New Confederacy Assembles." [gopher://csf.colorado
.edu Economics/Authors/James.Galbriath/New_Confederacy.txt] ...
Bruce McFarling, Knoxville
Warning: Signature und r c ns ruction
Beware of fallin D bris
.o. . ...