Re: Call for Papers

Wed, 19 Apr 1995 13:22:43 -0600 (MDT)
Lev Gonick (gonick@csf.Colorado.EDU)

Just a small correction on Carl's posting. The correct WWW Homepage for
the Journal is
and not

Lev Gonick

On Wed, 19 Apr 1995, Carl H.A. Dassbach wrote:

> Apologies for cross postings. Please forward ........
> THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY, (EJS), a new electronic journal,
> invites the submission of papers. We publish papers in three forms: a HYPERTEXT
> version accessible via WWW browsers such as Mosaic or Netscape, an enhanced
> Windows version which can be retrieved and read on your computer with
> Windows and an ASCII version which can be retrieved and read using almost
> any text processor. We are particularly interested in papers which deal with
> either the INTERNET, electronic communication and electronic communities or
> which combine images, sounds and text. Style requirements and other
> pertinent information about EJS can be found on our Home Page. This home
> page can be accessed at: For additional
> information, contact Mike Sosteric at
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Carl H.A. Dassbach E-mail: DASSBACH@MTU.EDU
> Dept. of Social Sciences Phone: (906)487-2115
> Michigan Technological University Fax: (906)487-2468
> Houghton, MI 49931 USA