Hi. This is just a short reminder from the IPE section chair of ISA
that your papers are supposed to be in the hands of your discussants now.
Would all panel chairs please contact the members of their panels and
ensure that [1] the authors are delivering their papers [2] they know
where to send the papers to the discussants and [3] the discussants and
paper givers have each other's addresses/emails, etc? The panel chairs
should be prepared to make short introductory remarks at the beginning of
the session, and to keep a careful check on the time allocated to each
participant. In several sessions there are four papers and some have two
discussants. In order to leave time for questions from the floor, please
restrict individual paper presentations to about 10 minutes each
[depending on the number of participants per session]. Each panel chair
should also pick up a sheet at the ISA registration desk and fill it in
after their panel, on number of participants, size of audience, etc..
Remember also that you are supposed to bring 50 copies of your paper to ISA
for the paper sale desk.
If you have not checked into a hotel yet, there was an earlier
message from the ISA Co-Chairs that the Chicago Hilton is full and
providing information on other hotels in the area. Air tickets are going
fast too so if you haven't booked your flight, you need to do so ASAP.
The IPE section executive is in the process of putting together the agenda
for the IPE section meeting [Wed Feb 22, lunch time]. If you would like to
add something to the agenda, please email me directly ASAP. The IPE senior
scholar panel honouring Bob Keohane [Harvard U] is on Thursday afternoon
and followed by the IPE reception.
I look forward to seeing you in Chicago!
Sincerely, Lorraine Eden, IPE section/program chair, ISA
Lorraine Eden
Professor of International Affairs
The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6 CANADA
Phone 613-788-2600x6661 [office] 613-788-6655 [department]
Fax 613-788-2889
Email leden@superior.ccs.carleton.ca