proposed 1995-2000 charter for the IPE section: for comments

Sun, 19 Feb 95 12:36:13 EST
Lorraine Eden (

Dear IPE members of the International Studies Association:
The IPE section must be re-chartered this year. I have drawn up a proposal
for a new charter [based on the previous one] which we will have to
discuss [at least in general form] at the IPE annual meeting on
Wednesday, February 22. A copy follows. any comments would be welcome.
Thanks, L. Eden, IPE President and Section Chair

FOR 1995-2000


This organization shall be known as the International
Political Economy (IPE) Section of the International Studies
Association, or as IPE/ISA.


1. The aim of IPE/ISA is to encourage research and promote the
exchange of ideas in the field of international political
economy. The Section seeks to assist its members in keeping
abreast of developments in the analysis of the international
political economy.
2. The Section encourages theoretical, conceptual, and
methodological diversity. IPE/ISA encourages scholarly
interchange across numerous disciplines, including political
science, economics, international relations, sociology,
business, anthropology, history, and the social sciences
broadly defined.

3. The Section encourages research collaboration and
communication with scholars throughout the world. The
Section also encourages efforts to communicate with policy
making communities and other interested groups outside the
scholarly community.

4. IPE/ISA emphasizes rigorous and diverse research on
international political economy. The Section sponsors panels
and round tables, reporting on current research in this
field, at each national ISA convention and at other
scholarly meetings.


1. IPE/ISA encourages cooperative relationships with other
Sections and Regions of ISA and other professional and
scholarly organizations which share its interests.

2. The IPE Section includes a subsection, World Historical
Systems, devoted to the historical study of world systems
from comparative and critical perspectives.
3. IPE/ISA encourages the dissemination of research on
international political economy through its sponsorship of
the International Political Economy Yearbook and IPEnet, an
electronic network linking researchers worldwide in the
field of international political economy (current address:, and its association with the journal
Review of International Political Economy (RIPE). The
Section communicates with its members through the IPE
Newsletter and IPEnet.


1. Any member of ISA sharing the purposes and interests of this
section may become a member upon payment of annual dues to
the IPE section.

2. Members shall be entitled to:
a. attend, participate in, and vote at the annual IPE
business meeting;
b. sponsor nominations for IPE officers;
c. be eligible for nomination to elective office;
d. propose panels to be sponsored by the section at the
ISA annual convention;
e. make nominations for the review board and specific
volume editors of the International Political Economy
Yearbook; and
f. receive general communications regarding the activities
of the section.


1. The officers of IPE/ISA will consist of a President, an
Executive Committee and a Governing Council.

2. The President will be elected at the annual business meeting
of the IPE Section. He or she will serve for one year, and
may be re-elected for a second one-year term. The President
will conduct the annual business meeting, convene the
Executive Committee and Governing Council as needed,
coordinate section activities, and with the consent of the
Governing Council make appointments to committees. To fill
vacancies on the Council, the President may appoint a
temporary replacement. The President also acts as Treasurer
of the Section.

3. The Vice President will be elected at the annual business
meeting of the IPE Section. He or she will serve for a one-
year term, and may be re-elected for a second one year term.
The Vice President is responsible for organizing for the IPE
sponsored panels and round tables at the upcoming ISA annual
convention. The Vice President, in addition to his or her
Program Chair duties, is the incoming President-Elect for
the Section.

4. The Secretary will be elected at the annual business meeting
of the IPE Section. He or she will serve for a two-year
term. The Secretary is also Editor of the IPE Newsletter. He
or she may be re-elected for a second two-year term. The
Editor/Secretary is responsible for keeping minutes of
meeting, and editing and distributing the IPE Newsletter to
the section membership.

5. The immediate Past President will serve as a voting member
of the Executive Committee for one year.

6. The World Historical Systems subsection elects its own
officers. The Chair of the WHS subsection is a member of the
IPE Executive Committee.

7. The IPE Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice
President, Past President, Secretary, and the Chair of WHS.
The IPE Executive shall:
a. review the annual budget and set annual dues;
b. approve expenditures proposed by either the President,
individual Council members, or members of the IPE
c. assist the President in the performance of his or her
d. assist the Program Chair in organizing IPE activities
and panels at the annual ISA convention.

8. All members of the IPE Executive are members of the
Governing Council. The President will coordinate the
Council's activities, and is a voting member of the Council.

9. A maximum of six and minimum of five members-at-large will
be elected to the Governing Council for two-year terms at
the annual business meeting. Terms will be staggered such
that three council members are elected one year and
two/three the next year.

10. The Governing Council shall:
a. discuss professional and financial matters of interest
to the IPE Section;
b. assist in organizing IPE activities and panels at the
annual ISA convention
c. appoint a Nominating Committee to nominate persons to
positions on the IPE Governing Council and as Council
members. The majority of that committee must be
comprised of persons not presently serving on the
d. appoint such committees as are necessary to run the IPE
e. propose the establishment of subsections of the IPE
Section, at the request of at least a dozen members,
who wish to focus more clearly on a specific IPE theme,
or set of themes. Such proposals shall be subject to a
majority vote at the annual IPE business meeting.
f. arrange for the IPE Section to be re-chartered by the
Governing Council of the International Studies
Association, every five years, as required by the ISA's
Regions and Sections Handbook.

11. If the President resigns, the Governing Council will select
an acting President from its membership to serve until the
next IPE business meeting.


1. The Nominating Committee shall seek to ensure a slate
representative of the diversity within the Section,
including various disciplines, intellectual and
methodological stances, ages and sexes, institutions, and
geographic locations.

2. The names of one or more nominees for each vacant position
shall be made known to the IPE membership at least six weeks
before the annual meeting.

3. Additional nominations sponsored by at least ten members and
received by the President at least six weeks before the
annual meeting shall also appear on the ballot.

4. Elections by secret ballot shall be held at the annual


1. Amendments to the IPE Section Charter may be proposed by the
IPE Executive, the Governing Council, or by a petition of at
least ten members.

2. Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the IPE President
not later than two months before the annual meeting, and
shall be discussed and voted on at the annual meeting.

3. If the annual meeting vote is favorable, the amendments
shall be submitted to a mail ballot of the members, becoming
effective when adopted by a two-thirds majority of those
responding within one month of mailing.

4. Approved amendments shall be submitted to ISA officers.


1. This Charter shall come into effect upon ratification by a
majority of IPE/ISA members by mail ballot and approval by
the ISA.


Lorraine Eden
Professor of International Affairs
The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6 CANADA
Phone 613-788-2600x6661 [office] 613-788-6655 [department]
Fax 613-788-2889