From: Lev Gonick <gonick@csf.colorado.edu>
Subject: Call - Virtual Seminar in GPE: Global Cities and Social Movements: An
Exploration of Theories and Cases
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Virtual Seminar in GPE: Global Cities and Social Movements:
An Exploration of Theories and Cases
(September - December 1995)
This Call is Directed, in the First Instance, to Faculty Colleagues. A
subsequent call for student and faculty participation will be forthcoming....
In its fifth offering, The Virtual Seminar in Global Political Economy (GPE)
is an experiment in research and education, mediated through computer
networks, electronic mail, & electronic archiving of materials
(http://csf.colorado.edu/gpe). It seeks to create an international
dialogue among students and scholars in various countries on several
continents, creating for students a global forum in which they may and
are expected to participate on an equal basis. In the process,
discussions and an exchange of ideas on the course theme and topics among
scholars and students from other cultures and societies will vastly
enrich the learning experience.
I am proposing that the theme of the 5th Virtual Seminar in Global
Political Economy be: Global Cities and Social Movements: An Exploration
of Theories and Cases. I have set up a listserv discussion group
(gpecafe) for faculty and other interest parties to discuss the details
of the virtual seminar. I propose this discussion be open to all. To
subscribe simply the note:
sub gpecafe yourfirstname yourlastname
send the note to listproc@csf.colorado.edu
Subject to change and modification I am proposing some possible topics:
Historical Context
Identity - Individual, Neigborhoods, Communities
The Global City and the New International Divisions of Labour
The Economies of the Global City
Urbanization and Postmodern Alientation
The Marginals in the Global City (Urban Squaters, Gay Communities,
Ethnic Communities, Mentally and Physically Disabled Communities)
Peasant Societies and the Global City
Women and the Global City in the South
Diversity and Cultures in the Global City
Information Age and the Anatomy of the Global City
3-5 Cases
Proposed Format:
* As many real-time seminars complement the virtual seminar.
* Individual students should seek independent credit with a faculty
colleague on her/his university campus
* Following David Barkin's (Mexico) suggestion from the 3rd offering of
the GPE, Virtual GPE Faculty Participants will be invited to
become Virtual Tutors with a small, say 4-5 persons from different
parts of the world (to encourage faculty participation)
* Common Reading list will be established (see virtual reading room)
* Faculty will be asked to frame questions each week and make
regular contributions
* Following suggestions made by students in the 4th offering of the
GPE, students will be asked to work in pairs or threes and each
group of students will be asked to provide a structured (& edited)
contribution each week along with a more free flowing set of
exchanges to follow
* All final term papers will be collaborative efforts by student
participants in the virtual seminar (with a call for faculty input).
The proposed form of the final paper is a case study of a Global
City/Social Movement.
These and other issues can be raised at the gpecafe. Hope to see you
there ...
Lev Gonick
GPE Seminar Coordinator
Prof. Chris Chase-Dunn
Department of Sociology
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD. 21218 USA
tel 410 516 7633 fax 410 516 7590 email chriscd@jhu.edu