I thought perhaps this message would be of interest to some on the
Jack Owens, Idaho State University <owenjack@isu.edu>
XI International Conference
of the Association for History & Computing
August 21-24, 1996
Moscow State University
Processing historical data with the aid of computers is now at
least three decades old. As a result historical computing has
achieved the status of a mature empirical discipline in its own
right. Yet it is important that further advances in historical
computing should be undertaken within a clear conceptual and
theoretical framework. This will require further developments to
be applied alongside advanced data modelling techniques and
methods of computer-assisted modelling of historical processes.
Such models, if utilised with care can become powerful tools for
connecting data and theory, but they also make demands on the
nature of both the theoretical framework and the data
applications used. Should models be theory-driven or data-driven?
Should a project's analytical aims, its software, and its data
modelling be considered independently? What are the particular
features of historical data which make them different from other
data processed by computers?
The eleventh International AHC Conference will offer a platform
to discuss the modelling and processing of different kinds of
historical data - from census-type data to free text and images -
as well as advanced analytical tools in the broader context of
continuous computer-aided historical research, starting with the
"correct" treatment of digitalized sources, arriving at
theoretically grounded and convincing research results.
Themes to be addressed at the conference unclude.
I. Historical Data Modelling:
- historical text models;
- historical software benchmark;
- new database models/techniques;
- modelling highly structured historical data;
- models of historical images;
- fuzzy models of historical data.
II. Modelling History:
- statistical models of historical structures;
- modelling dynamics of historical processes;
- event history analysis;
- modelling of spatial historical structures;
- simulation of processes in the past;
- the pros and cons of counterfactual modelling;
- statistical text analysis -- benefits and limitations for
historical research;
- artificial intelligence models in historical research;
- simulation in computer-assisted teaching of history;
- multimedia presentation of historical evidence;
- history on the Internet -- a model of information exchange in
the professional community.
III. Towards theory of historical computing:
- the bridge between historical data modelling and analysis.
Organizing committee
Dr Leonid Borodkin, Moscow
Dr Sergey Kashchenko, St.-Petersburg
Dr Vladimir Vladimirov, Barnaul
Dr Irina Garskova, Moscow
Dr Dilyara Ibragimova, Moscow
Mg Valery Lazarev, Moscow
International Programme Committee
Dr Onno Boonstra, Nijmegen
Dr Leonid Borodkin, Moscow
Dr Peter Denley, London
Dr Peter Doorn, Leiden
Dr Stefan Fogelvik, Stockholm
Dr Jose Igartua, Montreal
Dr Jan Oldervoll, Bergen
Dr Manfred Thaller, Goettingen
Call for papers
Proposals are invited for sessions, papers and other
contributions for main sessions (30 min. reading time),
special sessions (20 min.), project presentations (10 min.)
and demonstrations, all related to one of the mentioned themes
or sub-themes. Please fill out the form on the other side of
this leaflet. You can also send the information requested on
the form by E-mail. The form on the other side is meant for
preliminary registration and the submission of a proposal. If
you only want to visit the conference and do not want to
participate in the programme, please only fill out the first
part of the form.
Conference language will be English
Registration form
I wish to:
participate at the conference
present a paper or demonstration
receive further mailing but do not yet want full registration
Preliminary registration
Full address:
For paper presentations only
Type of contribution: O Main session O Special session
O Project presentations O Demonstration
Dates to remember
Deadline for submission of proposals:
January 15, 1996
Deadline for submission of abstract:
March 1, 1996
Final registration, including hotel booking:
June 15, 1996
The conference itself:
August 21- 24, 1996
The conference is organized by:
Association for History & Computing
Assotsiatsiia "Istoriia i Komp'uter" (AIK)
(CIS AHC-Branch)
In co-operation with:
Faculty of History, Moscow State University
Russian Academy of Sciences
Please direct all communications to:
Lab for Historical Information Science
Faculty of History
Moscow State University
Vorobyevy Hills
119899 Moscow
Tel/Fax: (095) 939-11-65
E-mail: ahc96@hyst.chem.msu.su