From: longwave@uunorth.north.net (E. Cheung)
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 19:48:14 -0500
To: chriscd@jhu.edu
Subject: Re: longwave web site
The primary purpose of the Longwave and Social Cycles Resource Centre is to
keep resources on the internet for those interested in longwaves and to
promote the publications of Longwave Press. Longwave material at the
present moment is widely scattered. Sometimes, important references are made
to longwaves in books that are not catalogued in the library under the
subject heading of long-wave. This makes research difficult. If there is an
area, or a small number of areas linked together where the most up-to-date
information can be located easily, I believe that would help longwave
studies. We are looking for almost any type of longwave resource. Currently,
we have a list for longwave books and published longwave journal articles.
It would be ideal to be able to link these lists to book reviews and
summaries of journal articles themselves. We are also looking for people who
adhere to a particular longwave school of thought to give a summary of their
views. New book announcements are welcomed. We will even post published
papers, as long as it does not infringe on any copyright when posted on the
internet. Thanks to the suggestion of Derek Hall, we even have longwave
multimedia. To save us some work, when emailing bibilographical material or
any other material, please format the material as much as possible.
email: longwave@mail.north.net.
I am a Systems Analyst who has always had an interest in the social
sciences. But for practical reasons, I chose to study computer science
instead. Currently, I am working with a government agency on an AVLC
(Automatic Vehicle Location and Communications) project.
Edward Cheung.
Toronto, Canada.
/* /\/\/\ The Longwave and Social Cycles Resource Centre /\/\/\ */
/* URL: http://web.idirect.com/~longwave/ */
/* /\/\/\/\/\/\ email: longwave@mail.north.net /\/\/\/\/\/\ */
Prof. Chris Chase-Dunn
Department of Sociology
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD. 21218 USA
tel 410 516 7633 fax 410 516 7590 email chriscd@jhu.edu