Announcing a new journal...
COMPETITION AND CHANGE: The Journal of Global Business and Political Economy
Richard P. Appelbaum, Center for Global Studies, University of
California, Santa Barbara, USA
Jeffrey Henderson, Manchester Business School, Manchester, UK
Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1995):
The Hinge of History: Turbulence and Transformation in the Global
Economy - Richard Appelbaum and Jeffrey Henderson
The Crisis of Cost Recovery and the Waste of the Industrial Nations -
Karel Williams
-- comments by Martin Carnoy and Grahame Thompson
Industrial Restructuring and International Trade: Explaining Business
Supports for Regional Trade Agreements - Ronald Cox
The Geographic Foundations of Industrial Performance - Allen Scott
The State and the Global City: Notes Towards a Conception of
Place-Centered Governance - Saskia Sassen
Samir Amin, Forum du Tiers Monde, Senegal
Alice Amsden, M.I.T., USA
Robert Boyer, CEPREMAP, France
Martin Carnoy, Stanford University, USA
Manuel Castells, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Edward Chen, University of Hong Kong
Peter Dicken, Univesity of Manchester, UK
Yves Doz, INSEAD, France
Pang Eng Fond, National University of Singapore
Gary Gereffi, Duke University, USA
Anthony Giddens, University of Cambridge, UK
Gary Hamilton, University of Washington, USA
Domenico Nuti, London Business School, UK
Michael Porter, Harvard University, USA
Saskia Sassen, Columbia University, USA
Allen Scott, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Kyoko Sheridan, University of Adelaide, Australia
Barbara Stallings, UN Economics Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean, Chile
Ivan Szelenyi, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Robert Wade, University of Sussex, UK
Richard Whitley, University of Manchester, UK
Competition and Change is a new journal that examines the changing nature
of business organization in a highly competitive global economy. The
journal draws on recent scholarship in business economics, political
economy, organizational sociology, economic geography, international
relations and developmental studies to explore the interplay of economic,
political and social forces contributing to global integration and regional
Promote an understanding of the evolving processes of global competition,
and their impact on the changing organizational structure of business and
Understand more comprehensively the interplay of globalizing and
localizing forces in the world economy, as they contribute to the
geographic extension of business and the intensification of uneven
Create an understanding of the interrelationships between the dynamics of
global competition and the social, economic, political, and environmental
conditions throughout the world.
Discuss matters of business strategy and its relation to political
initiatives at regional, national and local levels.
Explore the geo-political implications of economic transformation as a
global phenomenon.
It will feature articles on such issues as organizational and technological
innovation; the emergence and impact of international regulatory
frameworks; national and regional economic policy; labor conditions and
standards; the local impacts of global competition; the role of corporate
and national cultures; the geo-politics of economic transformation; the
dynamics of economic and business organizations; the future of the
manufacturing industry; transnational corporations; commodity chains and
the changing international division of labor; globalization and the future
of the nation state.
Base List Rate per volume $45 U.S. 4 issues per volume / ISSN 1024-5294
Current Subscription (1995-6)
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Please forward three copies of the article you would like to have
considered for publication to:
Valgeet Johl, Managing Editor
Competition and Change
The Center for Global Studies
Community and Organization Research Institute
University of California, Santa Barbara
California 93106
| Richard P. Appelbaum, Professor of Sociology |
| Director, Community and Organization Research Institute |
| Co-Director, Center for Global Studies |
| (805) 893-7230 phone (805) 893-2790 fax |
| email: |