collapse of dogmas:reply

Fri, 6 Oct 1995 20:52:37 -0700 (NSK)
Nikolai Sergeevich Rozov (

Date: Fri, 06 Oct 1995 08:27:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Hubert van Tuyll)
Subject: collapse of dogmas:reply
To: philofhi@YorkU.CA

A brief comment on Nikolai Sergeevitch's post concerning the collapse of
the USSR and world-system implications;
I agree that this requires more attention. One suggestion for
additional consideration is to inquire whether we are entering an era of
"devolution." The "state" in history has dominated both west and world
since the seventeenth century. But there are numerous examples of states
being threatened by either breakup or at least a loosening in the ties.
This is spectacularly obvious in the case of the USSR and Yugoslavia, but
can be seen more subtly in Britain, in the United States, and to varying
degrees in other places. Of course this does not rule out the impact of
economic world systems, which may be overpowering the three-centuries old
nation-state system.
I have not worked this out to a sufficient degree to turn this into a
testable theory but perhaps some of our list members have considered this
possibility already.
Hubert van Tuyll, Augusta College GA
Nikolai S. Rozov
Professor of Philosophy
PhD., Dr.Sc.

Moderator of the mailing list PHILOFHI
(PHILosophy OF HIstory and theoretical history)

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