Overflow hotels for the 1995 ISA meeting (fwd)

Fri, 3 Feb 95 15:00:40 EST
Lorraine Eden (leden@ccs.carleton.ca)


This message came through re the ISA hotels. I thought I had sent it
out on the lists on the 2nd but didn't get a copy. If you have received
it already, apologies. LEden, IPE section chair, ISA

Philip Schrodt writes:
> Message-Id: <9502021839.AA23450@alfred.ccs.carleton.ca>
> Date: Thu, 02 Feb 95 09:51:48 CST
> From: Philip Schrodt <ISACONF%UKANVM.BITNET@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
> Subject: Overflow hotels for the 1995 ISA meeting
> To: Ted Gurr <tgurr@bss2.umd.edu>,
> Barbara Jancar-Webster <bjancar@acspr1.acs.brockport.edu>,
> Phil Meeks <pmeeks@creighton.edu>,
> Jefferson Adams <jadams@mail.slc.edu>,
> Francine D'Amico <fjd1@cornell.edu>,
> Doug Van Belle <dvbpo@jazz.ucc.uno.edu>,
> Lorraine Eden <leden@ccs.carleton.ca>,
> Lawrence Leblanc <6970leblancl@vms.csd.mu.edu>,
> Roger Coates <coate@hsscls.hssc.scarolina.edu>,
> Luba Racanska <zalrgov@sjumusic.stjohns.edu>,
> James Wirtz <jwirtz@nps.navy.mil>,
> Dina Zinnes <zinnes@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
> Please post the following message to any lists you are maintaining for your
> section:
> In the event that you have not made hotel reservations, the Chicago Hilton
> is now full. ISA has arranged with the Congress Hotel (3 blocks north of
> the Hilton) for overflow space at $75/night; the hotel phone number is
> 312-427-3800. Two other hotels within a block of the Hilton are the
> Blackstone (312-427-4300) and the Essex (312-939-2800); one of my colleagues
> just got a reservation at the Blackstone at $79/night. These alternative
> hotels are not at quite the quality level of the Hilton but they are located
> on Michigan Avenue and will be only a quick walk from the Hilton
> Philip Schrodt
> ISA'95 Conference Co-chair



Lorraine Eden Professor of International Affairs The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs Carleton University 1125 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6 CANADA Phone 613-788-2600x6661 [office] 613-788-6655 [department] Fax 613-788-2889 Email leden@superior.ccs.carleton.ca