Anthropology/Sociology of Korea

Wed, 31 May 1995 08:58:57 +1000
Grant McCall (

Please forgive any possible multiple postings, but I hope that someone at
one of these addresses may be able to assist me with a Masters student I am

I have a student who wishes to work on the anthropology/sociology of
contemporary Korea. Having a position as a small provincial Korean
university for the next few years, she is ideally situated to do such a

Unfortunately, my specialism is the Pacific Islands and not North Asia. How
am I her (MA) thesis supervisor? The wonders of modern university life in
Australia, that's how.

I would be grateful to anyone who could give me some suggestions as to
where to look for such information. From the (Australian) National Korean
Studies Centre, I have a photocopy of Chapter 10 of "Studies on Korea: A
Scholar's Guide" edited by Han-kyo Kim, with the assistance of Kyoo Park
(1980, University of Hawaii Center for Korean Studies) and I will take some
time over the forthcoming break to do some hunting around myself. I suppose
what I would be most grateful for would be evaluative assessments of
current work on Korea.

In the first instance, I have suggested that my student situate her work
within a context of "Globalisation" which, it turns out, is a buzz-word in
Korea these days.

Thanks in advance for your help,


Grant McCall ! Telephone: (61-2) 385-2408
Centre for South Pacific Studies ! FAX: (61-2) 313-7859
The University of New South Wales ! e-mail:
Sydney NSW 2052 ** Australia !