November Conference in Havana (fwd)

Mon, 15 May 1995 21:23:45 -0400 (EDT)
Christoph Chase-Dunn (

Subject: November Conference in Havana


Havana, November 7-9, 1995

Sponsored by CESEU (Centro de Estudios
Sobre Estados Unidos/Center for U.S. Studies),
University of Havana

Announcements regarding the international
workshop/conference noted above were circulated earlier this

For those interested in attending and/or participating in
the conference/workshop, please note the following information
(especially with regard to obtaining the necessary visa

In order to facilitate the issuance of visas, you should
provide the following information along with your request for a

Your complete name
Your address (probably would be a good idea
to provide both home and business addresses--
include telephone numbers, fax numbers, etc.)
Where you work and in what capacity
Your passport number
Your date and place of birth
A photocopy of the first page of your passport (i.e.,
the page with your photograph on it)

Your planned date of arrival in and departure from
Havana (this information is extremely important and
must be provided)

Send this information to both CESEU and the Cuban Interests
Section in Washington, DC. The addresses are:

Dr. Graciela Chailloux, Program Coordinator
Centro de Estudios Sobre Estados Unidos
Universidad de la Habana
Calle 33 No. 1421 entre 14 y 8
Miramar, Playa
Cuidad de Habana, CUBA
Fax: (237) 7-3231 or (237) 32-2557
Telex: 512210DICT-UH

Sr. Armando Amieba
First Secretary
Cuban Interests Section
2630 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009

If you wish to participate in the conference/workshop, please
include with the material sent to CESEU the title of your
proposed paper or presentation. Although CESEU did not request
it, it might be a good idea to include also a short abstract of
your proposed presentation.

ATT has provided the following information regarding direct
telephone dialing to Cuba (the ATT link is now up and running).
The basic information that you need is:

Internatl Access Code = 011
Cuba's country code = 53
Havana city code = 7

Thus, to call Havana. you would first do whatever your system
requires re long distance dialing and then dial:

011-53-7-(Havana number, should be a 5-6 digit number)

If you have any problems, you can get dialing info from ATT by
calling 800/321-0288.

Additional information or assistance can be acquired by
contacting (me):

Michael Erisman
Political Science Department
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809
Tel: 812/237-2429
Fax: 812/237-2567 or 812/237-4382
E-Mail: (Internet)
psmeris@indst (Bitnet)