pko civilian personnel training course (fwd)

Wed, 17 May 1995 18:27:53 -0400 (EDT)
Christoph Chase-Dunn (

Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 09:19:31 -0400
Subject: pko civilian personnel training course



Training Course

The civilian personnel of
operations and
the election monitoring missions:
volunteers, officers, observers

organized in cooperation with the
Istituto Affari Internazionali (Roma),
the Centro Militare di Studi Strategici (Roma),
the Centro Internazionale di Ricerca, Formazione e
Documentazione sulla CSCE (Perugia)
and under the patronage of:

European Commission (Office for italy)
United Nations (Information Centre for Italy)
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Pisa, Italy, 18 September - 7 October 1995

In the last few years, after the end of the cold war,
the civilian aspect of the peace-keeping/humanitarian
operations has grown enormously. The civilian personnel
is involved in a wide range of duties, from the
humanitarian assistance to the human rights monitoring,
from the national administration to the election
monitoring. These developments are evident in some
recent operations: in Namibia (UNTAG), in Cambodia
(UNTAC), in Salvador (ONUSAL), in Haiti (UNMIH) and in
Mozambique (ONUMOZ). In addition to these operations are
missions conceived and carried out by regional
organizations and in particular of the European Union,
as the EU '93 Observer Mission for the Parliamentary
Elections in Russia.

Multidimensional operations require qualified and
readily available civilian personnel. The growing
complexity of these operations needs a large group of
people qualified and willing to undertake such
As stressed in the 14 December 1993 report of the U.N.
Secretary-General (A/48/707), we are facing a specific
need of training for civilian peace-keepers.

The Training Course: The civilian personnel of the
peace-keeping/humanitarian operations and the election
monitoring missions: volunteers, officers, observers,
organized by the Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari
e di Perfezionamento S. Anna, Pisa, is intended to fill
this lack of training. The aim of this post-graduate
Course is to prepare a limited group of participants
-having different academic backgrounds- for the tasks
usually assigned to the civilian
peace-keeping/humanitarian operations and to the
election monitoring missions. The Course provides an
extremely high and specific preparation in a field where
analogous training activities are scarce.

The Course keeps strong links with national and
international institutions, as the Ministero degli
Affari Esteri, the Ministero della Difesa, the United
Nations and European Union.

Organization: the Course is organized by the Scuola
Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento S.
Anna of Pisa, in cooperation with the Istituto Affari
Internazionali (Rome), the Centro Militare di Studi
Strategici (Rome) and the Centro Internazionale di
Ricerca, Formazione e Documentazione sulla CSCE

Patronage: the Course is organized under the patronage
of the European Commission (Office for Italy) and the
United Nations (Information Centre for Italy).

Period: 18 September-7 October 1995.

Programme: the programme is made by 5 sections for a
total of 150 hours, as follows:

I. Context
Section of courses for 40 hours:
Meaning and categories of peace-keeping and humanitarian
operations; International organizations and
peace-keeping; Geopolitics of peace-keeping;
Establishment and functioning of peace-keeping
operations; Features and aims of civilian peace-keeping;
Command and control of peace-keeping operations and
relationship between civilian and military component.

II. Activities.
Section of seminars for 40 hours:
Administration of territory; Observation and monitoring
of human rights; Election monitoring; Humanitarian
assistance; Refugee assistance.

III.The Personal Profile.
Section of workshops and practical training for 30
Selection, recruitment and legal status of the civilian
peace-keeper; Fundamental rules of conduct; Techniques
and procedures of inspection, observing and report;
Personal preventive medicine; Personal security; Social

IV. Conflict Resolution
Section of courses and simulations for 25 hours:
Conflict resolution; Techniques and experiments of
communication and socialisation; Negotiation

V. Case Studies.
Section of 15 hours aimed to examine cases (UNOMSA,
ONUSAL, UNPROFOR, the administration of the City of
Monstar by the European Union).

Method: purpose of the whole Course is a practical
training for the activities on the field. Reference to
practice and cases will be widely made. Many aspects
will be tested in seminars and workshops where the
role-playing and simulation techniques will be largely
used. Some meetings will be devoted to the personal
experiences achieved on the field by participants and
faculty members. Lectures and meetings on specific
issues are envisaged. Italian and English are the
working languages.

Faculty: the faculty members, chosen among academics,
diplomats, officers of international organizations,
police and army officers and ngo's experts, are an
highly qualified international teaching staff.

Certificate: at the end of the Course the participants
will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Follow up: the Course will keep the up-to-date list of
the participants and of their subsequent positions and
assignements. The participants will be selectively
proposed to the rosters and enlistment rolls of
international organizations, national agencies, ngo's
and research centres.

Requirements for Admission: the Course is open to a
limited number of participants with a graduate
background and fluency in Italian and English.
Admission to the Course is competitive based on the
personal curiculum vitae et studiorum. An ad hoc
Admission Board will be in charge of the selection.

Registration: the tuition cost is fixed $ 800 (tuition
fee, reference material, lunch).
A limited number of scholarships is provided. The
scholarship will cover the tuition cost and will be
awarded to the applicants on the base of their personal
curriculum by an ad hoc Board.
There are special terms for those requiring hotel and
full accomodation.

Admission Procedure: applicants should fill the specific
application form. The application should include:
- a curriculum vitae et studiorum;
- three photographs.
Applications will not be acted without all supporting
The completed form should be returned by July 3, 1995, 1
p.m to:
Prof. Andrea de Guttry
Training Course: The civilian personnel of the
peace-keeping/humanitarian operations and the election
monitoring missions: volunteers, officers, observers.
Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di
Perfezionamento S. Anna, via Carducci, 40, 56127 PISA
Those selected to participate will be informed by July
10, 1995.
Application should not be sent via fax.

Direction: Prof. Andrea de Guttry (Director), Dott.
Fabrizio Pagani, Dott.ssa Barbara Carrai (Executive

We forward our gratitude for their generous cooperation





For the application form and any additional information

Prof. Andrea de Guttry
Training Course: The civilian personnel of the
peace-keeping/humanitarian operations and the election
monitoring missions: volunteers, officers, observers.
Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di
Perfezionamento S. Anna
Via Carducci, 40
56127 PISA (Italy)
fax ++39-50-883210