Colleagues -- in the midst of the discussions of name changes etc, remember
that we need only 8 more members to sign up by September 30 to get PEWS
membership up to 400, which warrants an additional panel session at the
1996 meetings. Either recruit a lapsed/new member, or, if you know of a
graduate student who belongs to the ASA, sponsor one (at a reduced price --
$5, or $8) into the section. There will be information at the ASA
conference, or you can contact Elizabeth Czepiel at the ASA office in
Washington DC at 1722 N Street, NW. DC 20036-2981.
Philip McMichael
Professor of Rural Sociology
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-7801.
Ph: 607-255-5495
Fax: 607-255-9984