From: Sara Schoonmaker <schoonma@ultrix.uor.edu>
Subject: Interested in Marxist Sociology?
The Section on Marxist Sociology of the American Sociological Association
had some great sessions at the meetings in August in D.C. We also
planned our sessions for next year's meetings, to be held in New York in
mid-August. We welcome paper submissions for the following sessions:
1) The Current State of Development Theory
2) Marxism and Social Transformation: Opportunities, Constraints and
3) The Dialectics of Resistance: Community Responses to the Right
We will also have roundtables, that can be organized on a wide range of
topics. Paper submissions aren't until the end of December, so this is
an early notice of things to come.
We're doing a membership drive this month for the section. We need to
get 25 more members in order to have all 3 sessions on next year's
program. So if you're a member of ASA and would like to join the Marxist
Section, please let me know. OR if you're already a section member and
would like to recruit some new members, that would be great too.
I'd like to see us really grow the section, and encourage more people to
submit papers for the sessions. This is a key vehicle for us to share
our work, and dialogue with other marxist scholars and activists. It's
also a good place for radicals to come together within the ASA,
and for grad students to find some like-minded folks to read and discuss
each other's work. Let's shoot for 400 members by the end of this month,
and 600 members by Sept. of '96!
Best, Sara Schoonmaker (Chair, Section on Marxist Sociology)
Prof. Chris Chase-Dunn
Department of Sociology
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD. 21218 USA
tel 410 516 7633 fax 410 516 7590 email chriscd@jhu.edu