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Fwd: Re: Skidelski on co-operative hegemony
by robinson
24 June 2003 13:28 UTC
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Subject: Re: Skidelski on co-operative hegemony
From: robinson@rojas.net
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:27:18 +0000 (EGST)
To: gktbg1@tiscali.de

I do agree totally with Gernot Koehler. I posted Skidelski's article
in the Project for the First People's Century, precisely to generate
discussion among us, and become more aware of the dangers of (like
Andre Gunder Frank wrote in his "Coup d'etat in Washington" also
published in PFPC) "a policy of faits accomplis"..."that attracts ever
more people to jump on the band wagon."

Robinson Rojas

On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:34:31 +0200, "Gernot Koehler" wrote

> REFERENCE: Robert Skidelski (Warwick University, UK), "The American
> Contract", _Prospect Magazine_, June 2003 - I found the article at
> website, url = http://rrojasdatabank.info/pfpc/
> Skidelski proposes "a deal whereby the US would be brought back
> the
> fold of international law. . ." In order to accomplish that,
> proposes what he calls "a co-operative hegemony of the US and the
> great powers" - that is to say, "co-operative hegemony" as an
> alternative to
> "pax Americana" and "balance of power". In a system of co-operative
> hegemony
> over the world, the lesser members of the hegemonial block (called
> great powers" by Skidelski, including EU, China, Russia) would have a
> civilizing influence on USA due to the working of a principle of
> "collegiality". In Skidelski's view, China could help with the taming
> of
> North Korea, Europe could help with managing the Middle East and, in
> the
> process, would have a moderating influence on the United States. This
> view
> seems to be similar to Tony Blair's outlook.

Dr. Róbinson Rojas
UCL, University of London (visiting examiner)
South Bank University (lecturer)
RRojas Databank (http://www.rrojasdatabank.org)
Puro Chile. The memory of the people (http://www.purochile.org)
Project for the First People's Century 

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Dr. Róbinson Rojas
UCL, University of London (visiting examiner)
South Bank University (lecturer)
RRojas Databank (http://www.rrojasdatabank.org)
Puro Chile. The memory of the people (http://www.purochile.org)
Project for the First People's Century 

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