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Re: Skidelski on co-operative hegemony
by Dennis L. Blewitt
24 June 2003 23:39 UTC
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People seem to ignore or slight the following factors.
    1.    Jr.'s father was part of the intelligence community which was
referred to as "rogue elephant"
    2.    Bush believes that might makes right and others are "either with
us or against us"
    3.    This is all to common with the right wing in American politics
whose members tend to want to simplify things and think in terms of
    4.    Co-operative hegemony would make China and Europe, sattelites or
clients of the US, and even if some form of cooperative hegemony were
established it would be cursory at best.
    5.    The extreme right has treated most international establishments
with disdain.  The US either controls or ignores.  (World Court, Nato, etc.)
    6.    Bush et al are part of the fundamentalist christian movement that
denies Christianity in favor of the more harsh, punitive old testament
concepts that Christ thought were obsolete 2000 years ago.
    7.    Ashcroft speaks in tongues (enemy non-combatants)
    8.    The Bush group has total contempt for the Constitution, concepts
of fairness and due process and believe themselves to be above the law.
    9.    With such an attitude, there can be no co-operative hegomony, only
dominant hegomony.
    10.   What is being referred to as pax Americana should more aptly be
called oppression amerikana.
    11.    The conduct of the American leaders and government shed new light
on the myth that the US is the "home of the brave (see panic after Sept 11
compared to terrorist acts in Germany, England, and France) and land of the
free (see patriot act)

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