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Skidelski on co-operative hegemony
by Gernot Koehler
24 June 2003 11:36 UTC
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REFERENCE: Robert Skidelski (Warwick University, UK), "The American
Contract", _Prospect Magazine_, June 2003 - I found the article at the PFPC
website, url = http://rrojasdatabank.info/pfpc/

Skidelski proposes "a deal whereby the US would be brought back within the
fold of international law. . ." In order to accomplish that, Skidelski
proposes what he calls "a co-operative hegemony of the US and the other
great powers" - that is to say, "co-operative hegemony" as an alternative to
"pax Americana" and "balance of power". In a system of co-operative hegemony
over the world, the lesser members of the hegemonial block (called "the
great powers" by Skidelski, including EU, China, Russia) would have a
civilizing influence on USA due to the working of a principle of
"collegiality". In Skidelski's view, China could help with the taming of
North Korea, Europe could help with managing the Middle East and, in the
process, would have a moderating influence on the United States. This view
seems to be similar to Tony Blair's outlook.

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