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Re: A SECRET blueprint for US global domination
by E. Prugovecki
29 April 2003 14:42 UTC
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Title: Re: A SECRET blueprint for US global domination
I wish to thank Dr. Robinson Rojas for emphasizing that the central point of my April 28, 2003 post was not who found out first about PNAC, or whether PNAC is indeed secret, but what the PNAC blueprint means to the world in general, and WSN in particular. The post by Annamaria <vitale@unical.it> provides some specific instances of what it can mean, and I wish to thank her for that. The information she provides is certainly very valuable, and worth pondering about. As she says, "putting together all these reports, it is frightening to think what this new world dominant class could provide for us.
I was in Genova and in all the pacifist march in Italy: what if during the next collective demonstration I will find a transnational armed "peacekeeping" police (even in Italy), designed to shape social/world order for  "freedom and democracy"?"

The term "SECRET" in A SECRET blueprint for US global domination" is not of my own choosing, but it is part of a quote from the Sunday Herald article reproduced on http://www.sundayherald.com/27735, and recommended by "Richard Ragland" <ragland@un.org> last Saturday. The main point, however, is not to argue whether the PNAC document is indeed "secret" or not, but to use the Internet and other media to bring it to the attention of as many people as possible, and to urge the political scientists and other qualified individuals subscribing to WSN to write informative an insightful articles about the present and future effects of PNAC.

I have already taken a look at the website www.rrojasdatabank.org of Dr. Robinson Rojas, and bookmarked it for further study. I recommend it to everybody.

In the essay On Some Future Social Effects of the Communications Revolution, reproduced on http://individual.utoronto.ca/prugovecki/, I have argued in favor of using the Internet as a democratic decision-making instrument as well as for disseminating truthful information, which would countermand the immense flow of false or misleading information to which we are all exposed through the US mainstream media (90% of which are nowadays under the control of only 5 conglomerates!).  I noticed, however, that one of the main goals of PNAC is to take "total control of cyberspace to prevent 'enemies' using the Internet against the US." This should be of concern to everybody who uses e-mail and the Internet for exchanging information that is censored in the mainstream media, and in particular to WSN subscribers.

I will not take Mr. Devlin's precious time by answering his scurrilous e-mail, in part dealing with, in his own words, "a piece of crap written by a fundamentalist psycho." The WSN readers can make up their own minds about Balkan Devlin and the way he spends his valuable time.

Eduard Prugovecki
Professor Emeritus
University of Toronto

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