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Edward Said on the Other America
by Khaldoun Samman
21 March 2003 15:24 UTC
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"The Other America"
Edward Said 

[Excerpt] The difference between America and the
classic empires of the past is that, even though each
empire asserted its utter originality and its
determination not to repeat the overreaching ambitions
of imperial predecessors, this one does so with an
astonishing affirmation of its nearly sancrosanct
altruism and well-meaning innocence. For this alarming
delusion there is, even more alarmingly, a new
squadron of formerly Left or liberal intellectuals
alike who had historically opposed American wars
abroad but who are now prepared to make the case for
virtuous empire (the figure of the lonely sentry has
been used) using a variety of styles, from
tub-thumping patriotism to sly cynicism. The events of
11 September play a role in this volte face, but what
is surprising is that the Twin Towers-Pentagon
bombings, horrible though they were, retreated as if
they came from nowhere, rather than in fact from a
world across the seas driven crazy by American
intervention and ubiquitous American presence. 

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