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Re: We have the Proof!
by John Leonard
10 February 2003 02:07 UTC
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OK, Eurasian primacy. That would be ideal. It's what France was struggling for at the end of the 19th century, before the Russo-Japanese war. (According to Wm. Tarpley, only one of centuries of calamities instigated by English divide-and-conquer intrigue)

The USA is hundreds of years behind culturally, intellectually and in general sensitivity, and just should not be running the show. You have here over a quarter billion people armed to the teeth - no, to the skies - and prone to believe nuclear war is a kind of video game, as long as it happens outside the US (or Israel). This could be argued, but what's scarier is a hard fact that's much less well known - we've been hijacked by a totalitarian terrorist clique. Google up Skull Bones Nazi Bush and let your hair stand on end.

Vive le vieux monde et la vieille Europe.
Und Hoch die Deutschen auch!

Europe is too shell-shocked, after centuries of black magic at the hands of the Anglo-American cabal, to "hanker" after a world role. It's a reluctant dragon, but it may be Europe's responsibility to take on the role for a while. Most countries of Asia, Africa, South America and Eastern Europe are still playing vassal to the Americans, out of weakness. While the Muslim world has a strong faith - the only one around stronger than Western materialism - it is divided on political and sectarian lines, and isolated militarily.

It may be like spring time, or like the Last Days. The old order and the so-called new world order are equally obsolete. IMO what Europe has done, to outgrow nationalism, and to find balanced, if imperfect compromises between the extremes of corporate interests vs. the social welfare state, the free market vs. ecology, may not be as exciting as a space shuttle, but it's the closest thing we have to the wave of the future. For now.

Concerning the plagiarism cover-up, it is done in the usual cunning way of hiding half the truth. The mainstream media have always pulled the teeth from the horse's mouth, posted at wsn from the original by Michael Pugliese, http://www.sovereignty.org.uk/siteinfo/newsround/iraq.html .

At 18:14 9.2.03 -0500, you wrote:
Who is it that wants to go back to some form of European primacy? European primacy? Of it one may say with Marx 'De te fabula narratur'! There is one qualification that I want to add here, and it is an important one. The multitudes in Europe are heroic! I listened last night to the radio where I am told that the majority of those who live in Spain have heavily criticised the Spanish state's support for the war on Iraq. The qualification needs to be understood in the context of the modes of representation that are at work to manufacture thoughts for those who do not want to think. The State does not represent the people despite its claim to do so. In this short statement resides all the power of the protests that continue to shake Europe as well as the US, as well as many Third World states. In a strange sense this is perhaps the spring time of the peoples. It is nothing short of a revolution that is going on before our eyes and we need to connect with that instead of thinking in terms of an obsolete attachment to states and the state-bureaucrats who constantly put themselves in the limelight. This revolution has nothing to do with European primacy or with all those who hanker after European primacy. Ganesh.

John Leonard wrote:
Then it's time we went back to some form of European primacy.
It may be the only chance to save this planet - from a colossus in the grip
of a clique bent on destruction.

At 23:18 6.2.03 -0500, you wrote:
>The real 'motive' behind the brazenly confident US warplans (indeed how
>sexy it is!) as it is being communicated to its allies in Europe, may
>perhaps be paraphrased as follows: 'you guys (Europe) did it (invaded
>Iraq, India, China, and many other places) in your time. You no longer can
>get it up. Now is my time to do the same, I have the guns and I have the
>men, so what is your problem? Why are you acting so
>hypocritical? Britain at least is not showing your scruples. Best if you
>kept quiet and shared in the spoils'. MS.
>John Leonard wrote:
>>Powell was a howl and his proof was a spoof.
>>This is exactly like the fake satellite photos of massed Iraqi tanks, and
>>the phony incubator atrocity they used to start the 1st Gulf War.
>>Next their Army will go in there and plant evidence of WMD. The biochem
>>stuff they used to have was from the US anyway, when the US armed both
>>sides and instigated the Iran - Iraq conflict.
>>Born in genocide, America has mass murder in its genes, and needs only the
>>flimsiest fig leaf for a green signal.
>>Part 1 of my unreleased work is on the subject of this fakery
>>I. Putschist Bush Fakes Facts to Attack Iraq
>>In the shadow and thunder of the evil empire's gathering war cloud over
>>Iraq, I shout to show how the lying pair of Bush and Blair sow the illusion
>>of a threat from there...
>>Lies father, lies son. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and the
>>shrub is a twig off the old bush. Twelve years ago, these were the lies the
>>first family foisted on gullible us, to engulf us in war: massed infantry
>>and mass infanticide.
>>They boasted of satellite photos - ever so secret, not to be shown, but
>>showing a quarter-million man Iraqi army, poised to pounce on our oil pump
>>in Saudia Arabia. Yet other eyes in the sky saw no platoons in the dunes,
>>no Iraqi tanks, just swarms of Yank warplanes massed for attack? Trust us,
>>they said.
>>"This administration is capable of any lie ... in order to advance its war
>>goal in Iraq," says a US government source... it doesn't want to have UN
>>weapons inspectors go back in, because they might actually show that the
>>probability of Iraq having [threatening illicit weapons] is much lower than
>>they want us to believe...." [1]
>>The babycide was for us amnesiacs, who always forget Britain's 1914
>>propaganda coup, Germans cutting off the hands of babes in Belgium. This
>>time a top PR firm coached the Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter in theatrics
>>for a Congressional caucus. Story board: Iraqi troops leave 312 incubator
>>babies on a hospital floor to die. The grisly tear-jerker carried the
>>motion for war.
>>Who ever heard of a hospital with 312 incubators?[2] Why not 322? When was
>>common sense banished from the republic? Perhaps only mothers should be
>>allowed to run for Congress.
>>During the slaughter, Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf, the Desert
>>Sturmtruppenführer and propaganda genius, claimed a kill of seven Iraqi
>>mobile missile launchers - but the CIA said they were just oil tankers.
>>[3] And now it's the CIA that points out that an attack on Iraq increases
>>the threat of terror. Which is just what the boss wants.
>>The motives of the US-UK bandits today are clear - to destroy Iraq, its
>>people and potential. Not Saddam Hussein, who started as CIA asset and
>>stayed on as bogeyman for target practice. As a bush chickenhawk recently
>>gave his raison de guerre: "Just think, if only Iraq were like Egypt."
>>Quite, without industry and dependent on handouts.
>>The visionary French canal-builder De Lesseps recounted his meeting with PM
>>Palmerston: "He spoke with me, with regard to the Suez Canal, in the most
>>contradictory, the most incoherent, and, I will even add, the most
>>senseless fashion imaginable.... I could not help asking myself now and
>>again whether I was in the presence of a maniac or a statesman... We now
>>know the true motives of Lord Palmerston's opposition. It is that he is
>>afraid of favoring the development of Egypt's power and
>>prosperity."[4] He could hardly have been more incoherent than the Bush
>>regime's war pretexts. The motives of the US-UK axis vis-a-vis the Middle
>>East and all Eurasia are the same, too.
>>"British foreign policy, for the last 200 years, has been based on one
>>central idea, the break-up of other empires."[5]
>>In "Last Sunny Days," Israel Shamir relates how "a suspected Israeli mole,
>>calls for seizure of the Arabian oil fields, transfer of Mecca and Medina
>>unto Hashemite rule and confiscation of Saudi assets," and finds Prof.
>>David D. Perlmutter in the LA Times (April 7, 2002) is even more explicit:
>>"I daydream - if only! If in 1948, 1956, 1967 or 1973 Israel had acted just
>>a bit like the Third Reich, then today Jews, not sheiks, would have that
>>Gulf oil.' " Don't fret, David. A British MP recently detailed the current
>>US-UK plan to take out all the major Middle East governments, take over the
>>oilfields, and install their puppets in power.[6]
>> [1] From "In war, some facts less factual," by Scott Peterson, Christian
>>Science Monitor, Sept. 6, 2002,
>><<http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0906/p01s02-wosc.html>http://www.csmoni tor.com/2002/0906/p01s02-wosc.html>http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0906/p01s02-wosc.html
>> [2] Exposed by John R. MacArthur, Publisher of Harper's Magazine, in his
>>book "Second Front." See lecture transcript
>><<http://www.independent.org/tii/content/events/f_macarth.html>http://w ww.independent.org/tii/content/events/f_macarth.html>http://www.independent.org/tii/content/events/f_macarth.html
>>. With a
>>population under 2 million, Kuwait has about 120 births per day, or 6 for
>>each of its score of hospitals. Premature newborns, who sometimes need
>>incubators, account for only about one in nine births. For hundreds of
>>incubators, you want a hen hatchery, not a hospital. To quell such doubts,
>>Hillton & Knowles PR followed up with false witnesses to the burial of the
>>dead babies, see
>><<http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3589/us-iraq-lie.html>http://www .geocities.com/CapitolHill/3589/us-iraq-lie.html>http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3589/us-iraq-lie.html
>>. Apparently no one has been sued for the genocidal consequences.
>> [3] The use of the term "CIA" as shorthand for a covert, corrupt criminal
>>clique working within it, should not detract from the fact that most of the
>>men and women of the CIA may do valuable, and occasionally even
>>courageously conscientious work. They also serve to mask the "skunk works,"
>>which is banned under the CIA's charter.
>> [4] "Gabriel Hanotaux, The Dreyfus Affair, and How London Orchestrated
>>the Destruction of the Franco- German Alliance," also corroborates
>>England's horror at economic development for Egypt, sees France and Germany
>>as builders, England as looter
>><<http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/hanot91.htm>http://member s.tripod.com/~american_almanac/hanot91.htm>http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/hanot91.htm
>> [5] Martin Palmer,
>> <<http://www.nex.net.au/users/reidgck/DIVIDE.HTM>http://www.nex.net.au/users/reidgck/DIVIDE.HTM>http://www.nex.net.au/users/reidgck/DIVIDE.HTM
>> [6] In "A New Age of Empire,"
>><<http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=11&ItemID=2610> http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=11&ItemID=2610>http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=11&ItemID=2610
>>Courage is the Desire to Seek the Truth, Whatever It May Be;
>>Patriotism is the Courage to Speak the Truth, In the Face of Tyranny
>>Keynote quotation: "War is not an answer to human conflict any more than
>>cannibalism is to human hunger." - Bruce Kent
>>At 05:49 6.2.03 -0800, you wrote:
>> >Interesting how they used Powell's good cop versus bad
>> >cop over the life of this administration, and know its
>> >time to cash in -- Khaldoun
>> >
>> >"If you torture data enough, it will finally
>> >confess!!"
>> >
>> >Robert Fisk, "Powell Presentation: It was like
>> >something out of Beckett"
>> >
>> ><<http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=40&ItemID=297 7>http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=40&ItemID=2977>ht
>> tp://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=40&ItemID=2977
>> >
>> >Sources, foreign intelligence sources, "our sources,"
>> >defectors, sources, sources, sources. Colin Powell's
>> >terror talk to the United Nations Security Council
>> >yesterday sounded like one of those
>> >government-inspired reports on the front page of The
>> >New York Times ­ where it will most certainly be
>> >treated with due reverence in this morning's edition.
>> >It was a bit like heating up old soup. Haven't we
>> >heard most of this stuff before? Should one trust the
>> >man? General Powell, I mean, not Saddam.
>> >

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