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Re: Stream and Sequence Pictorials
by Nemonemini
03 October 2002 05:14 UTC
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In a message dated 10/2/2002 2:58:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, larondin@yahoo.com writes:

John Landon wrote:

<Is the stream and sequence concept clear? I fear it doesn't register on anyone, and it is actually kind of mindboggling. > I think it’s clear enough.  “Rough” analogies to it would be:

underlying currents in bodies of water [[Stream Concept]] upon which surface phenomena (waves) move in the system {Sequence] – and upon which surface debris floats, + fish, ducks, seagulls, etc. interacting with (in/upon) watery surface

I am delighted you are trying to wrestle with some diagrammatic for the 'stream and sequence' contrast.

Keep in mind that I could change the terminology, and leave hydrodynamics in the lurch!  What am I talking about?
Consider the 'revised Axial' phase of classical antiquity. Now zoom in on one of the particular zones, e.g. the Greek. We have two types of  histories. The long history of something we call 'Greek culture', and the time slice during the classical phase. Note the way that the temporal stream, i.e. the long history of the particular culture intersects with the higher level sequence during the period of phase.

The point is that we have the overlay of a macro onto a micro process. The macro is sifting from the micro stream.  The elements of the cultural stream are injected into the field of diffusion. Thus the whole is evolving through the part.

Now look at the Old Testament, spiritual issues aside. We see the perfect exemplar of the temporal stream and general sequence relationship.

John Landon
Website on the eonic effect
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