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Re: Decentralization & Hierarchy
by Marguerite M Hampton
23 January 2001 19:23 UTC
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On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 11:27:39 EST Bagelhole1@aol.com writes:

to Richard Moore: 

> With all due respect, this question isn't worthy of debate, in my
opinion. In a decentralized, democratic, mutually cooperative, global
society,  non-sovereign except for the sovereignty of the individual,
there would be no  hierarchies in general and especially in any
overarching ways, but  where it makes sense to have hierarchies, in
particular situations, 
 hierarchies would  exist, if the people involved so choosed.>

While I am largely in agreement with Richard Moore in his writings, I do
feel the element that is missing is 'the voice of the earth.'  The
success of 'hunter-gatherer' societies of the past was based largely in
their reliance on the earth as their 'source' of life-giving essentials. 
They therefore largely lived in a 'symbiotic' relationship with the earth
-- taking care of the earth as it took care of them -- they understood
the earth, spoke its language, and entrusted their well-being in its care
and in turn, worshiped it along with the sun which they understood also
to be a 'life-giving' force.      

The thing that I notice as I review the writings on the FixGov, WSN, and
other lists is that all fail to take into consideration the earth and the
sun  as the 'giver or source of life-giving essentials' without which
homo sapiens cannot exist.  The basis for humanity, for civilization is
the land -- the earth -- the topsoil combined with the sun.  The earth
and sun can go on without man, but we cannot go on without the earth and
the sun.  I would therefore like to submit that there is a hierarchy that
exists and is a nondebatable, noncontestable issue -- that is, that the
earth and the sun is the basis upon which all civilization is built and
is the first layer of the hierarchy which emanates from bottom up.  The
second layer of the hierarchy is then, civilization.  I feel that until
the human population of today begins to understand and acknowledge this
noncontestable hierarchy and 'speak' in this language that everything
else is based in a false premise.  

Instead of 'worshiping' the earth and the sun as primative societies did,
modern day society has been directed and controlled by its 'churches' and
other places of worship founders, to direct our worship to 'some unknown
god who lives someplace outside of us' and who takes care of our 'soul'
but largely ignores our 'life source'  -- the earth and the sun.     


> In a message dated 1/23/01 5:08:03 AM, richard@cyberjournal.org 
> writes:
> << The question we are investigating is of critical importance
> to our future.  I invite people to help shed light on the
> problem. >>

Marguerite Hampton
Executive Director - Turtle Island Institute

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