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International Seminar on Globalization, Kuala Lumpur
by Dr. S. M. Alatas
23 January 2001 20:26 UTC
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The Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Malaysia
is organizing an international conference in May 2001
(actual dates to be confirmed within the next week or two),
on the 'Impact of Globalization on the Muslim World'. The seminar
will be held in downtown Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Muslim countries constitute a sizable segment of developing
and underdeveloped countries. Even though some oil-producing
nations are considered among the richest in the world, none has
attained the state of self-sustaining economic growth nor the
institutional set-up necessary to achieve it. Many attempts have
been made to account for this phenomenon, including simplistic
explanations that Islam itself is the cause of underdevelopment.

This aim of this seminar is to familiarize participants with the
problems associated with globalization and how it is affecting
Muslims in particular. It hopes to clarify certain misconceptions about
development in Muslim nations. Some of the questions
we need to think about
are, 'Are the positive iinfluences of globalization
reaching Muslim nations?', 'What is being done to dispel
the negative influences of globalization in Muslim nations?', and
'What is the state of networking between Muslim nations, to
address these issues?'

These are some of the many questions
that the seminar hopes to raise, in order to highlight critical areas
that Muslims must focus on in order not to be left behind in the
economic, socio-political, technological and envronmental spheres.

We hope to bring in presenters predominantly from the Muslim world
(OIC member countries), or presenters who
are themselves of Muslim background, but who might be living and
working in the North. Other scholars of Muslim/Islamic
affairs are also invited to present papers. We welcome suggestions
for session themes and paper topics for the three full days of
the seminar.

Airfare and accommodation for paper writers/presenters will be provided for.

Anyone who is interested, please contact Dr. Sharifah Munirah
Alatas, Director of Research and Publications, IDFR,
at smalatas@idhl.gov.my

Below is a list of the four main segments that the seminar will highlight.

1. Economic Issues
    International financial architecture
    Multilateral trading system
    Reform of the WTO process
    Tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade
    Strengthening of negotiating capacities of Muslim nations
    Relevance of Islamic banking in a globalized world

2. Socio-cultural and Political Issues
    Human rights and fundamental freedoms
    Labor standards and environmental laws
    Preserving and promoting cultural diversity
    Globalization and the preservation of national sovereignty

3. Science, Technology and Environmental Issues
    Bridging the science and technology gap between the Muslim
    world and the North
    Call for the transfer of technology from developed to developing nations
    Reconciling the K-economy with globalization
    Issue of brain drain
    Protection of indigenous biotechnology

4. Issues of Institution Building and Cooperation
    Deteriorating commitment to multilateralism in the South/Muslim World
    Role of the UN in promoting development and international cooperation in
    the context of globalization
    Institution building and preservation
    Networking between Muslim nations
    Advantages and disadvantages of multilateral institutions in the Muslim

Dr. Sharifah Munirah Alatas
Director, Research and Publications
Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations
Prime Minister's Department
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Phone: (603) 7957-6221, ext. 238;
Fax: (603) 7955-3201

Email:smalatas@idhl.gov.my; dr_alatas@hotmail.com

IDFR URL: http://www.idhl.gov.my

** Please address all enquiries about the Research
and Publications Division to Dr. S. M. Alatas, email


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