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Re: -> Dispensing with hierarchy <-
by Bagelhole1
12 January 2001 20:04 UTC
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In a message dated 1/12/01 9:22:47 AM, richard@cyberjournal.org writes:

<<Those 99%, with 'no commitment to revolutionary
transformation' are, as you bluntly put it, ignorant of
their circumstances.  This ignorance needs to be overcome. >>

Dear Richard,
    I admire what you are attempting to do. I would like to suggest a few 
things from my experience as a grassroots activist:
    1. Its not just a matter of ignorance, it more a case of denial. Its not 
words thats going to wake up these people, its a "critical mass" situation 
that will finally bring them around. That's why I advocate building in a 
practical way, non-hierarchical, low-tech, or high tech (if you can afford 
it), sustainable communities now, starting with growing your own food. (see 
<A HREF="http://www.bagelhole.org/">bagelhole.org: home page</A>, under 
hyperlink "vertical aquaponics")
    2. One thing you have not grasped yet, perhaps, is that 
capitalism/hierarchies are tied in, in a big way, to "sovereign entities" 
(i.e. nations, states, dictatorships, corporations, governments, etc.). This 
things are taken for granted. But in the world, you refer to before 10,000 
years ago, people didn't "own" land. As long as these sovereign entities 
exist, we will continue to have all the problems we have, if you think about 
it. You call for decentralization, well, this is what I'm talking about too.

Most Organically,
Mofwoofoo Woofuaza
San Francisco

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