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Re: -> Dispensing with hierarchy <-
by Petros Haritatos
13 January 2001 11:09 UTC
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Dear Warren,

You evoke <<a concerted, planet-wide political movement with structure,
fighting force, and ideological
consensus able to match and over-match the immense powers arrayed
against it.>>

How do you think that this could come about?


-----Original Message-----
From: wwagar@binghamton.edu <wwagar@binghamton.edu>
To: Richard K. Moore <richard@cyberjournal.org>
Cc: World Systems Network <wsn@csf.colorado.edu>; cj@cyberjournal.org
<cj@cyberjournal.org>; renaissance-network@cyberjournal.org
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Date: Σάββατο, 13 Ιανουαρίου 2001 1:29 πμ
Subject: Re: -> Dispensing with hierarchy <-

>Dear Richard,
> You're basically right about the 99% of history when Homo sapiens
>lived in hunter-gatherer tribes.  But that's not history to historians.
>It's pre-history.  Marx and Engels (especially Engels) admired it, too.
>The trouble is that for the past 5,000 years most of us have been
>in hierarchical civilizations, and never more so than now.  Returning
>that archaic localized, self-sufficient economy and culture is out of
>question for all but a handful of civilized folk.  They don't want to
>there and they won't.  We live in a globalized interdependent world.  I
>want my white Burgundy and my Thai noodles for dinner.  Don't you?
>(Answering "no" won't disprove the point.)
> Given the ineluctable facts of globalization and globalized
>capitalism, I believe that the only responsible answer to the world
>problematique at this juncture in time is a concerted, planet-wide
>political movement with structure, fighting force, and ideological
>consensus able to match and over-match the immense powers arrayed
>it.  The anarchist model, however it may be suited to a still later
>one hopes, more beneficent time, does not work for now.
> I will even put my neck in the noose.  I think it was better for
>Lenin and Stalin to crush tsarism ruthlessly than to let it live and
>continue its age-old parasitical ruin of the Russian people.  They went
>far too far and committed far too many atrocities, but they had a great
>beast to kill, and at least they did that!
> Now you know.
> Cheers,
> Warren

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