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PEWS Roundtables
by Threehegemons
12 January 2001 20:01 UTC
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John Talbot and I would like to encourage everyone to consider submitting 
works to be presented at the PEWS roundtables at the ASA convention this 
summer, August 18-21, in Anaheim CA.  In addition to presenting completed 
works, the roundtables are an excellent opportunity to get feedback on works 
in progress or evolving research projects.  Topics can include practically 
anything that falls into the domain of the PEWS section.  You can submit 
papers or abstracts through the ASA website (which has extended its deadline 
for online submissions to January 17) at www.asanet.org or send them directly 
to John and I at jmtalbot@colby.edu and ssherman@gborocollege.edu.

Steven Sherman

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