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Pablo's Request (fwd)

by md7148

06 November 1999 05:33 UTC

Dear Pablo,

For a critique of realism and other mainstream perspectives (pluralism) 
on international relations, I recommend you to look at the conventional
literature first. after digesting their methodological and theoretical
shortcomings, you can have a look at the alternative perspectives. you
already seem to be interested in non-conventional views. this is a plus
sign. if i were you, i would go further and classsify the literature on
critical IR as follows:

1.Marxist theories of capitalism, class and imperialism (They largely
draw their analysis from Marx's analysis of capitalist transformation in
Britain-- country-side as the starting point of capitalism (primitive
accumulation), expropriation of agricultural population from the land,
decline of feudal property rights, compulsory migration from
country to towns, emergence of wage labor-- and observe whether smilar
trends are emerging in other countries too, ie.,  structural factors
conditioning the rise and demise of capitalism, revolution and systemic
change. They hold the orthodox view that imperialism is a force that
brings a change in the forces of production in regions outside Europe).

2. World system theories of capitalism (they use Marxism as a tool to
understand the historical development of capitalism as a world systemic
phenomenon; the rise of commerce, nation-states and militarism as
factors conditioning the growth of modern capitalism; Europe as the core
of the modern world system; expansion of European trade through creation
of peripheral and semi-peripheral zones, surplus extraction and unequal
trade relations.)

3. Theories of development and underdevelopment (they can be Marxist or
non-marxist in their methodological orientation. they focus their
emphasis on unequal exchange between developed and less developed
capitalist economies. strangely,  you may also see in this category
non-marxist, but  anti-imperialist approaches to dependency like
Gonzales Casonovas' "Internal Colonalism and National Development",
1969, _Latin American Radicalism_  or Henry Pachter's, "The Problem of
Imperialism", _Disssent_ 17,  1970. moreover, recent theories on
dependency have shifted the emphasis from  underdevelopment to
_dependent development_ like Cardoso and Peter Evans' works..)

mind you that this is a very general classification. it is also very
difficult to determine what exactly distinguishes one theory from the
other. as you will see, not every dependecy theorist is marxist or not
every marxist is a dependecy theorist; and some try to abridge the gap
between the two. you will see the differences when you start reading.

Let me suggest  a couple of readings for you to begin with:

1. Marxist theories of capitalism, class and imperialism:

Karl Marx.  1853. "On Imperialism in India" in Robert Tucker ed., _The
Marx-Engels Reader_ W, W Norton Press, 1978.

Lenin. 1975.  _Imperialism,  The highest stage of Capitalism: A popular
Outline_. Peking:Foreign Language Press

Rudolf Hilferding. 1910. _Finance Capital_. _The Theory of Capitalist
Development: Principles of Marxian Political Economy_, New York: Monthly
Review Press, 1942.

Rosa Luxemburg. 1951. _The Accumulation of Capital_, Yale University

Nikolai Bukharin. 1929. _Imperialism and World Economy_, Monthly Review

Anthony Brewer. 1990. _Marxist Theories of Imperialism: A Critical
Survey_. London: Routledge

Robert Brenner. 1976. "The Origins of Capitalist Development: A Critique
of Neo-Simithian Marxism". _New Left Review_, 104.

Horace Davis. 1967. _Nationalism and Socialism:Marxist and Labor
theories of Nationalism to 1917_. New York: Monthly Review Press.

D. K. Field House. 1967. _The Theory of Capitalist Imperialism_.

J. A. Hobson. 1902:1965. _Imperialism: A Study_. Ann Arbor Press:
University of Michigan. (This is a redistributive liberal interpretation,
that was to influence Lenin in his study of imperalism. Lenin, of
course, went much further than Hobson)

George Lichteim . 1971. _Imperialism_. New York: Preager

Harry Magdoff. 1969. _The Age of Imperialism: The Economics of US
Foreign Policy_. New York: Mothly Review Press

Otto Nathan. 1966. "Marxism and Monopoly Capital". _Science and
Society_  30, Fall. (develops a critique of Baran and Sweey's views on
monopoly Capitalism)

James O'Connor. 1966. "Monopoly Capital", _New Left Review_ 40, "Finance
Capital or Corporate Capital?", _Monthly Review), 20, December, 1968,

Christian Palloix. 1977. "The Self-Explanation of Capital On a World
Scale", _Review of RAdical Political Economy_ 9, Summer.

Tamas Szentes. 1976. _The Political Economy of Underdevelopment_.
Budapest:Akademiai Kiado (critique of theories of underdevelopment from
a marxist-leninist perspective)

John Taylor. 1979. _From Modernization to Modes of  Production: A
Critique of the Sociologies of Development and Underdevelopment_. New

Bill Warren. 1980. _Imperialism: Pioneer of Capitalism_, London: NLB.
(US marxist tradition)

Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy. 1966. _Monopoly Capital: An Essay on the
American Economic  and Social Order_. New York: Monthy Review Press. (US
Marxist Tradition).

E. Mandel. 1975. Late Capitalism. London: New Left Books.

F. Frobel, 1990. The New International Division of Labor. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

2. World System Theory:

"Paradigms Bridged: Institutional Materialism and World-Systemic
http://csf.colorado.edu/wsystems/archive/papers/c-d&hall/ssha97.htm by
Christopher Chase-Dunn ,Thomas D. Hall

I. Wallerstein. 1979. _The Capitalist World-Economy_. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

I Wallerstein. 1984. _The Politics of the World-Economy_. New York:
Academic Press.

I Wallerstein. 1990. "World Systems Analysis: the second phase."
_Review_. 13: 365-408.

Samir Amin. 1974. _Accumulation on a World Scale: A Critique of the
Theory of Underdevelopment_.  New York: Montly Review Press.

R. Ross & Trachte K. 1990. _Global Capitalism_. Albany: SUNY Press.

G. Modelski, 1987. _Long Cycles in World Politics_.

T. Skocpol. 1987. "Wallerstein's World Capitalist System: A Theoretical
and historical Critique," _American Journal of Sociology_.

C. Chase-Dunn, 1989. _Global Formation: Structures of the World
Economy_. (Oxford: Blackwell).

F. Frobel, 1990. The New International Division of Labor. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

G. Gereffi & M. Korzeniewicz (editors) 1994. Commodity Chains & Global
Capitalism. Westport, CN: Greenwood.


B. H. Kaplan, ., ed. _Social Change in the Capitalist World Economy_;
_Political Economy of the World-System Annuals_ 01; Sage Publications:
Beverly Hills/London, 1978.

W. L. Goldfrank,, ed. _The World-System of Capitalism: Past and
Present_; Political Economy of the World-System Annuals 02; Sage
Publications: Beverly Hills/London, 1979.

T.K. Hopkins & I. Wallerstein, eds. _Processes of the World-System_;
Political Economy of the World-System Annuals 03; Sage Publications:
Beverly Hills/London, 1980.

R. Rubinson ed. _Dynamics of World Development_; Political Economy of
the World-System Annuals 04; Sage Publications: Beverly Hills/London,

E. Friedman, ed. _Ascent and Decline in the World-System_; Political
Economy of the World-System Annuals 05; Sage Publications: Beverly
Hills/London/New Delhi, 1982.

A. Bergesen, ed. _Crises in the World-System_; Political Economy of the
World-System Annuals 06; Sage Publications: Beverly Hills/London/New
Delhi, 1983.

C. Bergquist,  ed. _Labor in the Capitalist World-Economy_; Political
Economy of the World-System Annuals 07; Sage Publications: Beverly
Hills/London/New Delhi, 1984.

P. Evans and Dietrich Rueschemeyer; Evelyne Huber Stephens, eds. _States
Versus Markets in the World-System_; Political Economy of the
World-System Annuals 08; Sage Publications: Beverly Hills/London/New
Delhi, 1985.

J. Smith.; Jane Collins; Terence K. Hopkins and Akbar Muhammad, eds.
_Racism, Sexism, and the World-System_; Studies in the Political Economy
of the World-System 11; Greenwood Press: New York/Westport, CT/London,

T. Boswell, ed. _Revolution in the World-System_; Studies in the
Political Economy of the World-System 12a; Greenwood Press: New
York/Westport, CT/London, 1989.

R. K. Schaeffer, ed. _War in the World-System_; Studies in the Political
Economy of the World-System 12b; Greenwood Press: New York/Westport,
CT/London, 1989.

W. G. Martin ed. _Semiperipheral States in the World-Economy_; Studies
in the Political Economy of the World-System 13; Greenwood Press: New
York/Westport, CT/London, 1990.

R. Kasaba, R. _Cities in the World-System_; Studies in the Political
Economy of the World-System 14; Greenwood Press: New York/Westport,
CT/London, 1991.

DAvid A. Smith,  & B�r�cz, J�zsef, eds. _A New World Order? Global
Transformations in the Late Twentieth Century_; Studies in the Political
Economy of the World-System; Greenwood Press: New York/Westport,
CT/London, 1995.

Korzeniewicz, Roberto Patricio & Smith, William C., eds. _Latin America
in the World-Economy_; Studies in the Political Economy of the
World-System; Greenwood Press: New York/Westport, CT/London, 1996.

Giovanni Arrighi. _The Long Twentieth Century. Money, Power, and the
Origins of Our Times_ (London: Verso, 1994).

Giovanni Arrighi. "The Process of Peripheralization: Changes in
Production Processes," _Review_, III, 2, 1979.

Giovanni Arrighi. "The Three Hegemonies of Historical Capitalism,"
_Review_, XIII, 3, 1990.

3. Theories of  dependency, development and underdevelopment:

Andre Gunder Frank. 1966. "The Development of Underdevelopment"
_Monthly Review_, 18.

Andre Gunder Frank.  1967.  _Capitalism and Underdevelopment In Latin
America:Historical Studies of Chile and Brazil._. New York: Mothly
Review Press.

Andre Gunder Frank. 1975. "Development and Underdevelopment in the New
World:Smith and Marx vs. the Weberians", _Theory and Society_ 2

Samir Amin. 1976. _Unequal Development: An Essay on the Social
Transformation of Peripheral Capitalism_. New York Monthly Review Press.

Arghiri Emmenuel. 1972. _Unequal Exchange: A Study of the Imperialism of
Trade_. Monthly Review Press.

Malcolm Caldwell. 1977. _The WEalth of some Nations_. London:Zed Press

Fernando Cardoso. 1972. "Dependency and Development in Latin
America", _New Left Review_, 74.

Ronald Chilcote. 1969. "Dependency: A Critical Synthesis  of the
Literature", _Latin American Perspectives_ 1 (Fall).

Ronald Chilcote. 1982. _Dependency and Marxism: Towards a  Resolution
of the Debate_. Boulder:colorado.

Peter Evans and John Stephens. 1988, "Development and the World Economy"
in _Handboook of Sociology_.

Geoffrey Kay. 1975. _Development and Underdevelopment: A Marxist
Analysis_, McMillan Press.

"Mundializacion del capital y reestructuracion del mundo del  trabajo en
America Latina". Sotelo-Valencia,-Adrian,
Estudios-Latinoamericanos-(nueva-epoca); 4:47-59 Jl/D 1997

_Rich nations--poor nations: the long-run perspective_.
Aldcroft,-Derek-H., ed.; Catterall,-Ross-E., ed.,

_The origins of economic inequality between nations: a critique of
Western theories on development and underdevelopment_.
Ramirez-Faria,-Carlos, HarperCollins.

 "Economic crisis in the Caribbean: from traditional to modern
dependency: the case of the Dominican Republic".  Moreno,-Jose-A.
_Contemporary-Marxism_; p 97-114 no 14 Fall 1986

"Dependency and Marxism [relevance of dependency theory to Marxism;
some emphasis on the Latin American experience",  Chilcote,-Ronald-H.,
ed. _ Latin-American-Perspectives_; 8:3-179 Summer/Fall 1981

 "Historical sources of Brazilian underdevelopment",
Barros,-Alexandre-Rands,  _Revista-de-Economia-Politica_; 16:123-42
Ap/Je 1996

 "Dependency, world system position and political violence in
developing countries." Wang,-T.-Y. _
Journal-of-Political-and-Military-Sociology_; 23:25-42 Summer 1995

_Dependency and development: an introduction to the Third World_,
Lewellen,-Ted-C. Greenwood-Press-Inc , 1995

"Relations between transnational corporations and governments of host
countries: a look to the future" .  Kennedy,-Charles-R. Jr,
Transnational-Corporations; 1:67-91 F 1992

_North-South and South-South: essays on international economics_.
 Stewart,-Frances,  Macmillan, 1992.

_Elusive development: from dependence to self-reliance in the Arab
region._ Sayigh,-Yusif-A.  Routledge 1991.

" The political economy of development" Philip,-George,
Political-Studies; 38:485-501 S 1990

_Struggle against dependence: nontraditional export growth in Central
America and the Caribbean._  Paus,-Eva, ed.,  Westview 1988

 _The political economy of international debt: what, who, how much,
and why? Bouchet,-Michel-Henri, Quorum Bks, 1987

_Unequal exchange and the evolution of the world system: reconsidering
the impact of trade on North-South relations_,  Raffer,-Kunibert, 1987

"Development through association with the world market and
underdevelopment through dissociation? a look back at dependency
theory",  Sautter,-Hermann,  Economics; 33:38-67 [1986] .

" State, capital, and the transformation of dependence: the  Brazilian
computer case" Evans,-Peter-B. _World-Development_; 14:791-808 Jl 1986

"Dependency and industrialization in the Arab world". Elmusa,-Sharif-S.,
Arab-Studies-Quarterly; 8:253-67 Summer 1986

 "Dependency and trade orientation." Balassa,-Bela _ World-Economy_;
9:259-73 S 1986

"Underdevelopment through isolationism? dependency theory in
retrospect"., Sautter,-Hermann,  _Intereconomics_; 20:180-7 Jl/Ag 1985

_Mexican oil and dependent development_.,  Gentleman,-Judith, Lang, 1984

"Quantifiable elements in dependency theory: sources of savings and
rates of growth"., Cohen,-Alvin; Duelfer,-Chris,
_Inter-American-Economic-Affairs_; 38:41-58 Spring 1985

_Towards a political economy for Africa: the dialectics of dependence_.,
Shaw,-Timothy-M. St Martin's, 1985

_Theories of development and underdevelopment_,  Chilcote,-Ronald-H.,
Westview, 1984

_Politics and dependency in the Third World: the case of Latin
America_,  Munck,-Ronaldo Zed-Press-Ltd;

 _La contrarrevolucion monetarista: teoria, politica e ideologia del
neoliberalismo_. Villarreal,-Rene, Oceano, 1983

 "Institutionalism, structuralism, and dependency in Latin America".
 Street,-James-H.; James,-Dilmus-D.,  _Journal-of-Economic-Issues_;
16:673-89 S 1982

"Imperialism, dependency, and social class [an examination of
post-World War II "dependency theory"; conference paper].,
Hansen,-William; Schulz,-Brigitte,  Africa-Today; 28:5-36 Third Quarter

_From dependency to development: strategies to overcome underdevelopment
and inequality_. Munoz,-Heraldo, ed., Westview.

"The underdevelopment of development literature: the case of  dependency
theory".Smith,-Tony,  _World-Politics_; 31:247-88 Ja 1979

I hope these readings give you a preliminary introduction to what goes in
the literature...


Mine Doyran
phd student
dept of pol scie
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 western ave., milne 102, Albany/NY.

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