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Re: China and Nato
by Pat Gunning
16 May 1999 16:43 UTC
Majid Tehranian wrote:
> thanks, pat, for your caution on china. but the chinese see taiwan as
> part of china. there is no justification for use of violence, but the
> issue has to be negotiated peacefully sooner or later. cheers, majid
Majid, you may be interested in the following essay on China and the
Taiwan issue. Among other things, it discusses the legitimacy of both
the Peoples Republic of China's (PRC) and the Republic of China's (ROC)
claim to be the legitimate rulers of Taiwan.
P.S. I tried to send this to you personally but was unable to succeed.
Pat Gunning, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Web pages on Subjectivism, Democracy, Taiwan, Ludwig von Mises,
Austrian Economics, and my University Classes
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