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No Subject

by Gunder Frank

16 May 1999 14:43 UTC

Michael Lestz <Michael.Lestz@mail.trincoll.edu>
Subject: Re: H-ASIA: Embassy Bombing
Dear colleagues,
It is troubling to find in PRC media reports of the embassy bombing in
Belgrad a near total absence of sympathetic references to the plight of
the nearly one million Kosovars who have been expelled from their homes and
driven into Albania, Macedonia, and Montenegro.....

It is EVEN more troubling to find Dear Colleague Lestz TOTAL total absence
to any reference, sympathetic or otherwise, to the plight of the 10 million
Yugoslavs who are being bombed to smithereens by his government and NATO
in total violation of all international law and humanitarian concern - not
to mention by him WHAT has expelled one million people

that is the result of a government's decision to deprive them of
the information they need to deliberate their own position?  If they seem
ridiculous and selfish, who has made them so?
It seems far more ridiculous to throw stones at Chinese glass houses
from inside an American one whose government and media not only
'deprive them [citiizens] of the information they need to deliberate their
own decision' but deliberately and systematically LIE to and DISinform 
cicizen/tv viewers about what both sides in the conflict are doing
and WHY, , so much so as
to make Colleague Lustz 'seem ridiculous and selfish, who has made them
[him] so?" Remember that another posting just claimed that nobody on this
net believes what his/her government tells them - Colleague Lustz
apparantely excepted, and we can only hope that he is the only one.
Has he read what Colleague Chalmers Johnson has written about this 
matter? I personally offer to send anyone who asks for it -bilaterally so
as not to cluttter up H-Asia net -
'information they need to deliberate their own position' on
the ILlegality and the DISinformation, etc., or I invite colleagues to    
inspect my NATO/Kosovo web-page with about 100 items at

                   ANDRE GUNDER FRANK
250 Kensington Ave - Apt 608     Tel: 1-514-933 2539    
Westmount/Montreal PQ/QC         Fax: 1-514-933 6445 
Canada H3Z 2G8              e-mail:agfrank@chass.utoronto.ca 

My Personal/Professional Home Page> http://www.whc.neu.edu/gunder.html
My NATO/Kosovo Page> http://csf.colorado.edu/archive/agfrank/nato_kosovo/       
My professional/personal conclusion is the same as Pogo's - 
            We have met the enemy, and it is US 

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