Job Opening

Thu, 19 Feb 1998 10:55:18 +0000 (GMT)

Dear WSN,

Below is a job listing for a new position here in Galway, Ireland.
The level is equivalent to an assistant professorship in the U.S. The
department is heterodox friendly, but is not a heterodox department.
Anyone interested should probably contact me first. Official
literature on the post may give you the impression you have to be able
to speak Irish. This is NOT the case. There is some opportunity for
postgraduate teaching and advising. Don't pay too much attention to
the specialisms listed.

Terry McDonough

Dept. of Economics
NUI, Galway

Work 353-91-524411 ext. 3164
Home 353-91-555706

(don't rely entirely on email; its been wonky lately)

Job Opening

National University of Ireland, Galway
Junior Lectureship in Economics

The Department of Economics wishes to invite applications for the
above post. Although applications are invited from all areas of the
discipline, the Department would like to attract candidates, in
particular, in the area of Applied Microeconomics, with good
quantitative skills and with a research interest in Health Economics,
Social Policy or related areas.

Applicants should have a postgraduate degree in economics (a Ph.D. is
considered desirable), have good communications skills and
demonstrated research capacity.

Application forms and particulars can be obtained from the office of
the registrar, NUI, Galway. Closing date for receipt of applications
is April 24, 1998. Further information on the posts and the department
of economics can be obtained from Professor Michael Cuddy: Tel.:
353-91-750324; Fax: 353-91-524130; E-mail: