Re: iraq-think again

Thu, 19 Feb 1998 12:52:11 GMT
Richard K. Moore (

2/19/98, Katharine P Moseley wrote:
>Most mysterious, indeed. Client Israel is some excuse for US,
>but why is so much heat being generated, once again, in ruling circles in
>the UK?

Same reason that UK generally acts as US sidekick in globalist takeover.
Having lost its empire, with Commonwealth decreasingly signficant, and
being a bit of a Euro outsider, a special tie to the US allows UK elite to
maintain illusion of being a world power. Convenience for US is that its
aggressions can be tagged "allied". Besides, the US is a UK spinoff, and
the imperialist elite cultures (interventionist, capital-dominated,
intelligence-community oriented) are compatible.
