Re: iraq-think again

Thu, 19 Feb 1998 03:39:56 EST
Katharine P Moseley (

Most mysterious, indeed. Client Israel is some excuse for US,
but why is so much heat being generated, once again, in ruling circles in
the UK?

In the meantime - a group called DC Coalition against the War in
Iraq iscoordinatnng a protest in DC on Sat. the 21st, starting at Dupont
Circle at noon ,
leading into a march to the White House at 1PM.
White House Comment line is (202)456-1111... jump over (the
terribly loaded wording of) the recorded survey items, and you will
eventually reach a human being who will record your views.
Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee is also organizing
protests... Their number is (202)244-2990.

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