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Re: Immanuel Wallerstein: America and the World: The Twin
by KenRichard2002
13 October 2003 04:38 UTC
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I think Wallerstein is pretty sharp and he know who he is talking about.  Some of his views lose momentum but what he has to say about the US in decline is on the money.  My only concern is that the US will try to reverse this over the dead bodies of millions of Africans.

That said,  on the evening of September 9, 2001,  I tried explaining to a few young women I was speaking with that the US would likely be attacked militarily by a third world nation.   My statement left them visibly embarrassed; one of the three had just gotten through beaming about the hegemonic power of the US in the face of the collapse of the USSR so my comment was completely unexpected and in their minds entirely out of the realm of possibilities.
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