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Re: NYTimes.com Article: Iraqi Family Ties Complicate American Efforts for Ch...
by KenRichard2002
30 September 2003 05:27 UTC
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I am disgusted by this line of inquiry.  So far I have heard Nancy Pelosi threatening to secular Islamic societies.  We have all heard that capitalism is the acid bath of traditional societies.  All the hog wash we hear about creating democracy and giving women greater freedoms is foul and disgusting.  The individuals who crafted Bush's Middle East policy are declared imperialist and zionist.  So give me a break.  Now for people to stick their noses in the marriages of Iraqi people, individual, aggregate or statistical averages is vulgar, offensive and asinine.   And that doesn't even touch on the fact that most of the field anthropology of young, friendly, easy going, American scholars is underwritten by the US State Department on behalf of the US military. SO this business of trying to determine extended family ties in order to improve imperialist methods for imposing the political will of the US government and the economic advantage of US corporations on the Iraqi people while sugar coating it with the *rights of the Iraqi women* business is pathetic, weak knee'd and hypocritical and laughable.
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