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Re: Websites relevant to the study of globalisation
by David Smith
25 September 2003 23:15 UTC
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Dear Professor Venter:

You are catching me at a very busy time, but let me make a couple of
suggestions (which you may already know about)L

Globalziation and World Cities  http://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc/
New Internationalist  http://www.newint.org/issue296/contents.html
Political Economy of the World-System section of American Sociological
Assn   http://www.asanet.org/sectionpews/index.html
Centre for Resaerch on Globalization http://www.globalresearch.ca/
Institute for Research on the World-System (UC-Riverside)


dave smith

On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 dawidv@earthlink.net wrote:

> Dear Colleagues-
> I am currently editing a special edition on globalization for the journal of 
>the South African Sociological Association.
> I would like to include a section on websites of particular relevance to 
>those who study globalisation, e.g. of advocacy and activist groups, research 
>institutes, media, full-text articles, and the like.
> If any of you know of links that you have found to be especially useful in 
>this regard, please be so kind as to pass them on to me.
> I already have quite an extensive list of the usual suspects, and would 
>really like to add more resources on appropriate links to the semiperiphery 
>and periphery.
> Regards
> Dawid Venter

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