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JWSR Moves to UC Riverside
by Journal of World-Systems Research
19 August 2003 19:28 UTC
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         Journal of World-Systems Research
         Free E-Journal * ISSN 1076-156X

                 NOW AVAILABLE
       Volume IX, Number 2, Summer 2003
Special Issue: Globalization and the Environment
                   Edited by:
       Edward L. Kick & Andrew K. Jorgenson

JWSR Moves to UC Riverside

    The Journal of World-Systems Research is moving
to the University of California-Riverside.
Communications for a Sustainable Future (CSF) at the
University of Colorado-Boulder has hosted JWSR since
its founding as a gopher-based e-journal in 1995.
Thanks to Don Roper and his co-workers at CSF for
making JWSR possible. Don is retiring and CSF is
closing down, so the University of California has
agreed to provide a server and support for the
electronic distribution of JWSR.

The old web address will continue to be redirected to
the new URL until CSF goes officially off-line. Our
new URL will be:


Please be sure to update your links to JWSR soon and
ask your local university library if they could do
the same.

In addition to our move to UCR, we are also pleased
to announce the creation of the JWSR Mailing List.
All official JWSR announcements will be sent using
this new list. To subscribe to the JWSR Mailing
List, please go to:

The World-Systems Archive Moves
to UC-Riverside

The World-Systems Archive will also move to UC-R. Its
new address is:


Shoon Lio, Sociology, UCR, is the webmaster of the
archive <slio@citrus.ucr.edu>.

The Journal of World-Systems Research is an electronic
journal dedicated to scholarly research on the modern
world-system and earlier. It is intentionally
interdisciplinary in focus.

Volume IX, Number 2 of JWSR was published under the
sponsorship of the Institute for Research on World-Systems
at UC Riverside, the Center for Global, International,
and Regional Studies, and the Division of Social Sciences
at UC Santa Cruz.

Journal of World-Systems Research:

World-Systems Archive

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